ROTJ Luke Dimension Differences?


Active Member
I want to ask about the ROTJ luke sabers, I'm looking into making one for myself, just for kicks, but an accurate one.
I know the obvoius differences between the V1 and V2 pieces but I heard that MR took liberties on the dimensions to create each piece in the efforts to cut costs.

what are the differences?

I understand that MR produced a series of lightsaber blueprints, were they accurate?

how can I find an accurate set of dimensions or references?

any help would be much appreciated.

Almost every replica of this saber exhibits liberties with the dimensions. The most obvious is the grip rings, as they have been changed to be entirely uniform. For simplicity's sake we'll keep the control box out of this.

I think the rest of the liberties were the result of the maufacturing process. Lets compare the LEs made in the US to the later China versions. You would find that the pommel cubes have a bit more of an angle to them on the bottom side, and the grip rings are a bit more narrow on the US versions. Also, the US sabers appeared to have a bit more polish to them. When operations went over to China, the result was a slightly different pommel wider grip rings and a slightly different taper angle at the top of the ring section.

These are very minor differences. I prefer the China version as I like the saber to look less shiny, and the wider rings give it a more dramatic look IMO. Still the pommel cubes on the US version are more accurate, and also match on the later Elite Edition.

If you want to build one yourself hand turn some aluminum on a lathe just like the original. Or you can purcahse one of Anakin Starkiller's blanks... he had the uneven grip rings replicated and all... the most accurate to the real prop to date.

This was posted in a thread a little while ago. As far as I can tell, it's absolutely accurate.

yep very acurate.
BTW our own DARTH SABER created that blueprint, so lets give credit where credit is due.
thank you SO MUCH guys!
this really helps me out alot.

I really appreciate the help! :)


oh, btw, what's the whole "issue" with the control box?