Romulan Ale Label *FREE*


Well-Known Member
This was requested by another member. Since there is no canon label I made one up. I really did'nt want to use the label from that nasty ale sold at S.T. experiance in vegas. I am including a translation of the Romulan writing as well. The graphic should print out to 4.472X3.625 inchs. If you need it larger just size up untill it is at the right size for you.
If you make a Bottle please post it here for all to see!
Thanks and ENJOY!
First that's pretty cool. :thumbsup

Second, 200 proof is pure ethanol. :lol

Only thing stronger would be 307 Ale.
First that's pretty cool. :thumbsup

Second, 200 proof is pure ethanol. :lol

Only thing stronger would be 307 Ale.

Second I know...but those Romulans are tuff SOB's :lol so they can get away with drinking it lol.

I'm thinking of doing the Racktagino ( i know it's spelled wrong) label next.
I am also working on a Vulcan and Frengi one as well :love
LOL Hey, Jack Iron is 180 proof on average! It's labelled as 99% alcohol, I don't even know how that qualifies as "rum", more like a bottle of ethanol with a teaspoon of sugar. (It makes the medicine go down I guess!) :lol

Thanks so much!! These will come in mighty handy!

The mix my friend does, I'm not even sure what the alcohol is she uses but she mixes it with this toxic looking blue stuff in a plastic gallon container. It's atrocious yet somehow awesome. (The awesome probably comes from whatever alcohol she uses LOL)
LOL Hey, Jack Iron is 180 proof on average! It's labelled as 99% alcohol, I don't even know how that qualifies as "rum", more like a bottle of ethanol with a teaspoon of sugar. (It makes the medicine go down I guess!) :lol

Thanks so much!! These will come in mighty handy!

The mix my friend does, I'm not even sure what the alcohol is she uses but she mixes it with this toxic looking blue stuff in a plastic gallon container. It's atrocious yet somehow awesome. (The awesome probably comes from whatever alcohol she uses LOL)

Your welcome and try to get her receipe for me I would love to try it :love
Hi Eradicator,

what a coincidence: The "Download of the Month" on is also a Romulan Ale label. Including a "Please Recycle" and a barcode, this "Download of the Month" is in English and German.

The website is in German, so here is how to navigate:

Click on and on the UFP logo, in the next page on "Downloads", next page on the top button saying "Dl. d. Mon." Click on the thumbnail and save the pdf file.

If you click on the little red "HIER" underneath the 2009 button you get to see the previous 63 "Downloads of the Month".


Hi Eradicator,

what a coincidence: The "Download of the Month" on is also a Romulan Ale label. Including a "Please Recycle" and a barcode, this "Download of the Month" is in English and German.

The website is in German, so here is how to navigate:

Click on and on the UFP logo, in the next page on "Downloads", next page on the top button saying "Dl. d. Mon." Click on the thumbnail and save the pdf file.

If you click on the little red "HIER" underneath the 2009 button you get to see the previous 63 "Downloads of the Month".



Great minds think a I like your better then mine :thumbsup
Have you seen my Klingon Blood wine lable?
I would like your opinion on it...I am trying to get as good as
Also Loved the site!
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The "Download of the Month" on is also a Romulan Ale label. Including a "Please Recycle" and a barcode, this "Download of the Month" is in English and German.
Wow! That is a fantastic website! Your LCARS for Excel is awe-inspiring! I can't wait to play with it! Good thing I'm bilingual, as I can tell I'll be visiting again soon!

Thank you very, very much! Xmas came early for me! :)
Wow! That is a fantastic website! Your LCARS for Excel is awe-inspiring! I can't wait to play with it! Good thing I'm bilingual, as I can tell I'll be visiting again soon!

Thank you very, very much! Xmas came early for me! :)

Thanks a lot for your kind words, but is not my website, it belongs to a very good friend of mine Jens Goettling from Wolfenbuettel (gtj is his short term at work).

My graphics (Downloads of the Month) and props are dominating his homepage so that you get easily the impression that it belongs to me.

But I will pass your kudos to Jens of course.

Greetings from Germany

Hi guys,

yesterday I sent my friend Jens (webmaster from this website with the positive feedback from my "Download of the Month" section and so he added some sentences in English, that it's easier for you to get access.

Keep on trekking
