Revell Republic Cruiser with lights


I don't know how I have inspired you but, many thanks for the compliment mate. I still have a fair way to go with the build. I really hope to have it finished sooner rather than later but, my son is in his final year of high school so that takes priority over modelling.

But standby as I will be adding some more progress images in the next few days.
Well, instead of a few days it has been a few months since the last update. Where I live with winter in full swing, I haven't been able to do any painting :unsure ......It's been too cold.

In between the times that I have been tutoring my son and quizzing him for exams, I have slowly started work on the superstructure. It is far from finished but now that I am getting more time back at the workbench, I hope to have it completed soon (no guarantee as to when !).

Cutting the slots for the PE windows was a bit of a pain but when done, they looked quite good. I used styrene sheeting to mahe the window frames then moved onto adding more detail to the superstructure.

Instead of just using styrene sheets and rods, I raided a few 1/700 scale ships (2 x Russian Krivaks and 1 x Bismark). The additions from the kits have made me happy, adding details and texture that I couldn't replicate but make the superstructure feel "right".

So, enough of my rambling. There aren't many pictures at the moment but you get the idea.
Well my youngest has now finished high school :popcorn. So I have been getting back into the groove with the model.

I didn't like the lack of details for the superstructure as shown in the Ep 3 so I decided that as I am representing one of the first few Venator's made then, it needs to look like a ship which is "one of the first". Hence all of the antennae, visible point defence guns on the superstructure, etc.

As with the continuing refinement of a ship class from the first one to later refinements, eg the Spruance or Ticondergo classes, they bacame more streamlined as faults, vulnerabilities and technologies were fixed and refined.

So what you see here is what I would like to call a command ship. When you see all of the different sensors I added it will make sense. The superstructure is heavily defended (I have to show some the secondary weapons which are supposedly canon) and, I also added the additional guns because it is suppossed to be a ship of the line able to "look after itself".

Regardless of the above, I like guns. That is what a ship of the line is all about - GUNS....

Sorry for the diatribe. The pictures will tell the story.
Hi all,

I am finally back at the bench. First I am working out how to use this new fangled interface.:wacko

Well the youngest finished high school last year and is now in university. So the past 5 months has been spent on getting his applications written, moving him from home to the campus, and via phone getting him used to living away from home and getting his wrapped around tertiary study........

All is now calm and well so I will be back in full force once I remember what I am doing !!!!

So sorry the delay everyone, I thought I would have the finished well before now but anyway, life is what it is..
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Many thanks for your support folks. Just have a couple of personal things to finish in the 2 weeks then I will send adding some new pics.

I didn't realise that my thread was subscribed to and for that, I am humbled.
Congrats to your son!

Hey, where have you been hiding this beauty?
I look forward to see the further progress!

All the best,

G'day everyone.

I know it has been 2 years since I last posted. Nothing has happened on the modelling front. Life the universe and other stuff halted my work. I am now getting back into the saddle and am doing a large re-stock of a lot of my tools, glues and paints.

I have a question that I cannot work. If you look at the paintwork on the lower hull of the Venator, I made the splinter pattern too large. I am thinking of 2 thing;

1. Stripping off the enamel paints and starting again. Problem with this option is the the electronics are fixe inside the lower hull. So I can't place the part of the model into any type of paint stripping bath. Is there a solution to this ?

2. Trying to mute the darker grey colours. Now not having touched any models in 2 years, I am asking how to best mute and blend the various greys if I cannot strip the paint.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

Hello Sir! First time posting on the forum, have been reading your posts for a while. I recently purchased the Venator for myself and am about to undertake the task of lighting it. I've never worked with LED's before and have been trying to watch as many videos as possible to educate myself. Currently I am purchasing around 20 3mm led's from Ebay along with wire and 500ft of .25, .50, and .75mm FO. Do you have any tips on how to wire the LED's, if I need a 'controller card' or any resistors, or anything else. I am planning to have the model connected into a base and powered from a wall outlet.

Thank you in advanced!

There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
Hello ,
Just became aware of this thread . How are the pictures / images accessed ? I’m using an iPad and can’t see them .
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