Resin/Fiberglassing Question


Active Member

I am currently construing a costume out of 1400gsm boxboard. The card is pretty sturdy and I was wondering, would I be able to resin both sides of the card, and bondo the outside of it with out using the fiberglass? I really only need to waterproof the cardboard, resin might make it a little bit more rigid as well.

if you are planning on wearing this armour, personally I wouldnt; but you can but try.

its just that cardboard is intrinsically still quite flexible even when resined, and bondo isnt; so if you are gonna be moving quite a bit in it, it might just crack.

I have tried 'just resining + bondo' before; but only on a small piece or on a static build which I was gonna mold up later

Ok, so I should only use it on small things, like the belt buckle, but for larger parts like the chest plate I should still fiberglass? Thanks.
You mean a cardboard box? The center will come apart eventually. I've made simple shapes from a box, then fiberglassed one side and soaked the cardboard in water to remove the rest. Then fiberglassed the back.
Ok, that makes sense. So fiberglass oneside, soak in water to remove all the cardboard then 2nd layer of fiberglass? Or bondo on the fiberglass? (Sorry for sounding like a complete noob).

Can I still get away with using resin only on the smaller bits? I also have a backpack I need to do, should I fiberglass this also? (Removing the card will be tricky because it is is inside the sealed backpack...)
Tach you misunderstood what terryr said. He is taking about a cardboard box not the stuff you are using.

With your boxboard/posterboard don't be putting resin on it and then soaking it in water, you will end up with a soggy mess.