Resident Evil Wind Crest


New Member
Hi all, I've been lurking for a few years, and decided to go ahead and join. Anyway, here's my Resident Evil Wind Crest, from the first game, and the REmake. :)


I hope I did that right, I've never posted an image in a forum post before. Enjoy! :)
That's a unique one, I don't think I've ever seen one before!

Thanks! Forgot to include some stats. It's approx. 6"X8", made of plaster and Sintra, and painted with acrylic craft paints. I may make the other 3 crests in the future, but I wanted to see what people thought of this one first. :)
Great, job!! :thumbsup

The first Resident Evil game, was the best horror/action game ever made...

It kept you on the edge of your set... I can't remember how many times I would jump, or watching other people playing the game would jump every time something would crash thought a window...
This is just so cool. I have never thought about making things like this. They're not expensive and aren't super labor intensive so they'd be good weekend projects. Don't forget all the keys and like Chris points out in RE 5 gold edition all the cranks you have to get lol. The keys would be easy, skeleton keys to use as the base are cheap enough and you can probably make them with some round stock, bar stock and a welder.
Yeah, that's something I always thought about having, a key ring with all four of the Mansion keys on it. I might make that too, someday. :)
Nice thing about those is you could build a master key form and then put the shield, sword and what not inside after casting the main ring.