Resident Evil Ammo Box from the games


Well-Known Member
Here is an Ammo box I whipped up last night for my friend and his Resident Evil Musical play that he was doing for his acting class.

I thought I'd upload it here for everyone else to enjoy!


I'm uploading a PNG of the file, because the PDF was 38MB.

Nope, this was for a friend. I'm thinking about making the rest, but I'm in college so I'm having trouble finding time.

But I'll try!
That's very nice. Is the PNG file to scale? Because if it is I'm gonna print one off, wrap it around a block of wood and have my own.
i've been doing that with alot of them to give them shape and since i can't find toy bullets anywhere to fill them with.
So what are the dimensions of the box supposed to be? As it it the file is way too big to be accurate and needs to be sized down.

I did my own run of these for our Res Evil forum using screen caps as reference. To be honest Crafter11, scale is the biggest problem 1/1 won't fit on A4 paper, so mine are roughly the size of a pack of cigarettes, mainly because I made them vector scalable for others to work with. I've done them all Jackal, Heavyfield and Ballistics. The first aid label was made the same and was printed on Kodak photo premium paper.


I like the size that is featured here though, looks more accurate :cool

Yep, very cool, never thought of the first aid spray... I made the game documents years ago... but hundrets of paper props don't look too good in display...
As it it the file is way too big to be accurate and needs to be sized down.

Open in photoshop when the print setup comes up you'll see that it's resized automatically, if you click fit to page it will be slightly larger. I can see why the PNG that Trebory6 made was broken into pieces because it allows more room on the A4 printout :)

Re: My artwork It's going in the junkyard soon I just need to find the vector art I did a while back :confused

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