Republic Commando - TZA Armor

I'm likin it ligon I'd like ta see some more actual WIP pics showin ya skill an techniques ta buildin like ya did at th' beginin of th' thread keep up th' work that ya doin' looks great.
hey nice job can someone give me a link where to buy the armor i senta pm to a TZA guy but no reply yet i dont want a guy to pm i want a LINK. thnx -Nylon
The upper arms are done and ready for the painting.

At first I've made ​​new thermoforming molds for the upper arms made of a clay-like mass and polystyrene:


After Vacuum forming and assembling, the upper arms look like this:

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Today I finally finished the resin parts for the helmet.


The hole for the very bright white light LED (5mm) is already inside in the ear part.
My mic tips are hollow and have inside a steel net. Perfect for two small speakers.
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I finished the mold for my RC helmet.


I am surprised about the quality of the mold. Better than expected. :)
I used 6 kg Rebound25 and 4 kg Plasti-Paste II.
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hello so cool your helmet and armor, but is the best form of helmet
you can make the wilster as often as you can but the man put on helmets then one would you ????? ??????? verkauffen
I would be happy about answering
jonny mfg
Today I casted my first helmet with Smooth Cast 65D & 320. The helmet turned out really good. :)



The first helmet have a mass of 1.7kg.
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Thanks to all.

I have to apportion all costs for making the mold and casting, and Smooth-On products are very expensive in Europe. For this reason the prise for a helmet is 205 € (at the moment).

The first run is limited to five helmets and available only for Europe.
Really impressive LIGONAP... First time that Republic Commandos make me turn head of interest.
Sorry everyone, but I´m not video game player and don´t know too much about RC but WOW!!! I have some pics from the game and are simply amazing...
Someone knows if I can find some comics or books of Republic Commandos??
And LIGONAP, thanks a lot for your help to contact TI6815. He help me with the Cap. Rex pistols.
Do you plan to make a run of your helmet??? Maybe I will be interested. :love
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