Republic Commando - TZA Armor


Active Member

today I want to start a build thread of a Republic Commando.
The raw parts of the armor were manufactured by the TZA team.

The TZA-Armor looks like this:


The TZA-Armor is better than the PA-armor, but they still have a few teething problems.
One of these problem is the back plate. The details are not so nice.
Here should be improved the thermoforming process.
Therefore I built a new back plate. Here's a comparison.



In the next step I built new the shoulder inleys. A comparison:


Order: Original - New mold - Alu / Resin-cast

You could say: The original is a bad copy of the copy. :lol:lol
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the guys over at TZA are great to deal with

very good with any advice as well, look forward to seeing this completed mate and good luck
I am also interested in how much this cost if you don't mind

Round about 950 USD included shipping to Germany.

Before I start with the assembling of the armor, I will correct the various parts by and by.

First, I took the hand armor:


Both got additional ABS plates. In the left hand armor a front notch was cut out and glued, and the guideway for the melee blade was shortened. With both I had to correct some big thermoforming errors (*sigh*).
So I would say that the TZA-armor is not for beginners.

Have anybody one tip for me how do I control the blade automatically? Because there is not much space under the plate.

Next, the elbow armor:


The sloping front end was removed and replaced with a new right-angled front. On the sides I had to remove false marks from the thermoforming. The mold from the TZA team is made of successive glued wood panels that were not enough ground after milling. Mmmm.

Currently, I am waiting of the gauntlets and holds of the backpack.
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That looks good, and that plastic looks pretty thick. It didn't come with a helmet, did it?

On the backplate; RCs are only ever seen with the backpack on, so unless you plan on wearing it without the backpack, I don't think you need to worry too much about the backplate.
How does the neck area of the armor look? I've never seen anyone do a correct RC armor set that got the neck area of the chest plate looking right. They all look about the thickness of .100" styrene, not like a big chunk of armor like in the game.
That looks good, and that plastic looks pretty thick. It didn't come with a helmet, did it?

Yes, it did. But it is not so great and I will make my own accurate helmet. I have two possibilities: 3D Printer or Rotocast.

Well, a small update.
For me the back pack is a little bit too wide, so I cut out a 3/4 inch wide strip.


After that I connected the both half parts. In the backplate and in the back pack eight magnets were glued.



Well, you need really power to remove the backpack.
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Looks like nice armour
u are comparing vac formed with resin casting,in terms of sharpness, that isnt v fair is it?

The I also see you are merely scratch building the part based on the tza part w some tweeking. You obviously have skill, why not just scratch build the whole armour fr ref pics?

A bit of bad form to call each part poo, and then just copying it isnt it?

Also I hope u have changed your mind abt recasting the tza helmet as u threathened to over on
I've been watching this thread since the beginning. Not long after your posting rights were taken away on CT.n I believe.

You do have skill but you seem to be the only one who's so displeased with their kit. I do still have copies of our original email conversation too where you threatened to digitally recast our helmet and modify it so please be careful as to how you proceed.

We tried to reach an agreement with you. Offered replacement parts at our own cost. Even recut a new helmet master and offered you one. None of these offers were accepted by you. Your negative comments to our kit is very offensive.
The front part of the backpack needed two changes.
At first I cut out a 3/4 inch wide strip again.


After that I connected the both half parts and a new back-plate together.
Second, I cut out the both cavities and used the the game data to build news cavities.


Similar like shoulder inlays, I made new the gauntlets.


For this work I used the TZA and PA gauntlets as original. My gauntlets have very sharp edges now, fits perfectly and you can look down through to see (like in the game).
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Very slowly it continues.

In the shoulder bells new boxes were added to get more space for the inlays.

The contour lines on the sides were a little broadened and deepened, and the usual thermoforming errors were repaired. Easily recognized by the grayish stains.

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