Removing fake blood from clothing and shoes question


New Member
I am trying to get some fake blood off of my boots and blood stains out of my socks after getting stabbed to death on a TV show yesterday.

Any tips on the best way to do it?
It's always come out in the wash for me when it's relatively fresh (a few days). Even years-old stains have come out when I've taken them to the dry cleaners.
Depends on if the people made their own blood or not. Generally someone that knows the basics to cinema blood will put a few drops of polmolive dish soap into the mix thats not to go into someones mouth. That helps it ten fold when it comes to clean up time.

If the blood was purchased by one of the large suppliers, those clothes may well be done. They use harsh dyes and additives to help it stick and stay dark.
It's always come out in the wash for me when it's relatively fresh (a few days). Even years-old stains have come out when I've taken them to the dry cleaners.

It actually came out in the wash with a scoop of Oxyclean.

Depends on if the people made their own blood or not. Generally someone that knows the basics to cinema blood will put a few drops of polmolive dish soap into the mix thats not to go into someones mouth. That helps it ten fold when it comes to clean up time.

It sounded like they were making their own, as they use a lot of it. The show is quite bloody, but it has quite the following. ;)

If the blood was purchased by one of the large suppliers, those clothes may well be done. They use harsh dyes and additives to help it stick and stay dark.

This was their flowing blood mixture. Looked pretty real, too.
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