Regarding silicone molds & resin casting...


Master Member
I'm planning on doing some, and I have extensive experience in plaster molds & latex casting, but I need some pointers for the soft-mold-hard-product reversal. Any good advise or websites?
I plan to make spaceships on a small scale, like 6 inches.

I used some resin in the 70's to make a type I hand phaser, but I conjure it's come some way since then...:lol
Check out Smooth-On.
Smooth-On, Inc. - Mold Making & Casting Materials Rubber, Plastic, Lifecasting, and More
They have a great site with lots of information for beginners. They also carry a lot of different products and sometimes it can get confusing. I use rtv silicone rubber for molds, and polyurethane casting resin.

They have some nice video tutorials, and they sell rtv silicone for mold and resin for casting. They are one of the more popular sources for each among hobbyists.

The Oomoo line of rtv is very convenient and easy to use (1:1 mix by volume), but has poor tear strength and a shorter library life (life of the mold before it begins to deteriorate). The Mold Max line of rtv is stronger, but you need a scale for the mix ratios. It doesn't really matter much if you go Platinum cure or Tin cure (catalyst), just don't mix the two. They inhibit one another.

The SmoothCast 300 urethane plastic (casting resin) is very nice and easy to work with. I use it all the time.

MicroMark (Micro-Mark: The Small Tool Specialists) also sells a nice line of urethane resin. I actually like theirs a little better (especially the design of the bottles). But I don't think they sell an rtv.

Hope that helps.