Limited Run Red TROS Version Floating Jedi Training Remote Limited Edition

071- GT37
Would like to join the list of junior jedi trainees.
We the people
Was not aware of the wait list my apologies i should read more and not get so excited i know how fast your work sells and just jumped the gun.
Thank you for refunding my card but put me on the list as #71
I dont know how your brain hasn't popped yet even if i dont get one i thank you for the effort you have put into this project.
Add me to the dream

For the record that is not me in the background on the telephone, just saying :rolleyes:
Don't lie, you know that's you. LOL! You're helping me by screaming at people for trying to call in their order over the phone instead of waiting in line like everyone else.
"Trooper_Trent's Training Remotes, this is Danny How can I help you? What? NO REMOTE FOR YOU! COME BACK ONE YEAR!!"
You guys making fun of me..? I made a mistake because a friend of mine who by the way got #007 here in Wyo told me to get this orb because when he got his when there was no stupid waiting list, it was first come first serve but since then because quote! There was so many cry babies and fighting going on a waiting list was made well now im asking to be put on the waiting list is that ok or not eaither way im good with or with out the toy.!
You guys making fun of me..? I made a mistake because a friend of mine who by the way got #007 here in Wyo told me to get this orb because when he got his when there was no stupid waiting list, it was first come first serve but since then because quote! There was so many cry babies and fighting going on a waiting list was made well now im asking to be put on the waiting list is that ok or not eaither way im good with or with out the toy.!

I was kind of thinking the guys were being hard on you and you seemed to genuinely having made a mistake based on a misunderstanding, and had apologized, etc. But it looks like they were right. You're a jerk and you don't deserve this amazing prop you call a toy.
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Like i said i was mistaken in the way i jumped the gun and didn't read the steps to take, but they are the ones who made it personal not me, i only did one up on them as they did me and now im the jerk, thats ok i thought it was funny at first till i saw Kevin's smart remark, Happy Holiday's guys.
And by the way it is a toy , but a very well made and cool one that i would like in my collection a prop yes it is and i never disputed the work that goes into making it as i told Trent i don't know how he does it hats off to him for the work he does for us all and like said even if i don't get one, and now i will again apologize for my childish response to Kevin he didn't deserve that and to anyone else i may have offended.
You guys making fun of me..? I made a mistake because a friend of mine who by the way got #007 here in Wyo told me to get this orb because when he got his when there was no stupid waiting list, it was first come first serve but since then because quote! There was so many cry babies and fighting going on a waiting list was made well now im asking to be put on the waiting list is that ok or not eaither way im good with or with out the toy.!

Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. Nobody was making fun of anybody. What you probably don't understand since you just joined 2 days ago specifically to get on this list is that many of us have been close friends here for a long time and we know each other well. We rib each other pretty good some times and it's all in good fun. You didn't read the description before jumping in to buy something that was reserved for someone else. A little frustrating because of the fees for relisting the item and the 2 day turn around to cancel and refund it, but not a big deal at all. It was a mistake. Not a problem. But then you hop in here and post SEVEN TIMES in a row (yes that's spamming), one right after another telling me to add you to slot 71, again not really reading because there's already a person ahead of you for slot 71. So I ribbed you a little bit in a friendly "hey, relax man" kind of way. The rest of it between halliwax and I wasn't directed at you at all, it's a friggin Seinfeld episode. So don't get butt hurt about that or I really will drop you from the list. As I've said before (if you had read the thread), this is a fun, relaxing hobby for me and I intend to keep it that way. As soon as it stops being fun, I'll stop making them so, I'm intentionally putting myself in a position to not have to deal with drama when it comes to these.
The rules are simple. If you have the money set aside and you want one, you post in the thread and I'll add you. If and when I get to you, I'll message you to arrange payment and start working on your remote. When it's time to work on your remote, we'll have lots of time to talk back and forth and hash out details, send fun updates and progress pics, the whole experience.
I usually have really good instincts about people and know when they're going to be trouble. But usually, against my better judgement, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and work with them anyway, which usually backfires on me. So just know you're already on my radar.
If you want to be added to the "stupid waiting list" that's fine, but I need everyone to chill out. Consider that your warning.

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Hi, Trent. I was hesitant to ask you to put me on the list, because with 70 participants already, I think if they all get their order that would be a Herculean feat. And I really hope they do. If you think there may be a chance that you will do more, then by all means put me on. But, if not, it's ok, I get it. It's a gorgeous piece, but I don't want to put crazy pressure on anyone, nor derail someone else's chances of getting one.
Hey bud, I fully intend to keep making them as long as I can. I'm actually really enjoying it! I got through almost 30 in under 4 months so it's actually going faster than I thought. Happy to add you. There's absolutely no pressure since I don't take any money up front.
Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. Nobody was making fun of anybody. What you probably don't understand since you just joined 2 days ago specifically to get on this list is that many of us have been close friends here for a long time and we know each other well. We rib each other pretty good some times and it's all in good fun. You didn't read the description before jumping in to buy something that was reserved for someone else. A little frustrating because of the fees for relisting the item and the 2 day turn around to cancel and refund it, but not a big deal at all. It was a mistake. Not a problem. But then you hop in here and post SEVEN TIMES in a row (yes that's spamming), one right after another telling me to add you to slot 71, again not really reading because there's already a person ahead of you for slot 71. So I ribbed you a little bit in a friendly "hey, relax man" kind of way. The rest of it between halliwax and I wasn't directed at you at all, it's a friggin Seinfeld episode. So don't get butt hurt about that or I really will drop you from the list. As I've said before (if you had read the thread), this is a fun, relaxing hobby for me and I intend to keep it that way. As soon as it stops being fun, I'll stop making them so, I'm intentionally putting myself in a position to not have to deal with drama when it comes to these.
The rules are simple. If you have the money set aside and you want one, you post in the thread and I'll add you. If and when I get to you, I'll message you to arrange payment and start working on your remote. When it's time to work on your remote, we'll have lots of time to talk back and forth and hash out details, send fun updates and progress pics, the whole experience.
I usually have really good instincts about people and know when they're going to be trouble. But usually, against my better judgement, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt and work with them anyway, which usually backfires on me. So just know you're already on my radar.
If you want to be added to the "stupid waiting list" that's fine, but I need everyone to chill out. Consider that your warning. I assure you sir im not a trouble maker im good for my word and have plenty of funds to cover the cost of any order i make, i didn't read what i should have thats my bad and will once again apologize for that and if i cost you money let me know and i will take care of that, it was not my intention to cause susch a stir my understanding was that i had to post 3 posts beforehand to be able to post a real conversation so that i was recognized as not a computer spaming so i did 3 that made no sense, also the instuction said those would not be seen by anyone not sure why everyone saw it but anyway i was not in anyway trying to jump in on somebody else's slot i truly am sorry for the mis understanding from start to finish, so if your ok with getting me on a spot in the list great! If not then thats ok to but also be assured i can take ribbing from the best of them but won't be bullied by anyone, thank you sir for letting me know your point of view i can appreciate that havd a good Thanks Giving and Happy Holidays to you and yours
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