Red Hood WIP

Mores progress :) ... i need to put more bondo in the front, rear and the left side, and i think that in the other details that need work i will use spot putty ... what do you think ? any advice :) ?

Looks great. If you are still having trouble getting it on, I found a tutorial for the whole costume, and the maker used a hinge and latch system, cutting the helmet in half sideways. Not sure if I am allowed to post the link or not, If not, I will just edit later, and apologize, but here it is:
How to make a Batman's "Red Hood: Jason Todd" costume : Helmet: part 2

In your case, if you feel comfortable with it, you would just need to cut the helm in half with a dremmel, maybe sand down a section to put the hinge and latch in, then re-bondo the area to give it a strong hold. Though, ONLY DO SO IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE!!! I don't want you ruining your helmet.

Otherwise, good luck, and it looks great! Gonna be following this one.
Thanks for the advice dude :)! .... i think i'm ready for the first layer of primer, to see the imperfections that i can't notice right now :p .... i don't know if paint the black lines or mark the lines with a dremmel, what do you think looks best ? and .. do you have any idea of how i can make the lines symmetrical ? or it's going to be all about my skills :p ? jaja

Thank you !
For the lines, draw them in pencil first! First mark a center line down the helmet. Use a ruler to set yourself reference dots down the face, each pair of dots equidistant from the center. Then connect the dots with a pencil. Once you are satisfied with the look, you can paint or etch them.

Honestly, I think the slight indent given by a rotary tool ads a a very nice touch. That being said, you have to make sure you have a thick enough shell to do that, and you have to be twice as careful since any mistakes will be way harder to fix. If you don't trust yourself to do it by hand (I wouldn't trust myself, haha) I would just paint them.
The center line thing is a good idea :p i will try it. actually i did put a lot of layers of bondo so i can be sure that i don't pierce the helmet....Time to work :p thank You !
I finally finish the sanding process !!! it cost a whole day of work but it's done tomorrow i will upload some pictures :) .... i'dont know if i should prime it before do the lines... or do the lines first and apply the primer after.... what do you thing is a better option ?
I would actually prime once, check to make sure there are no remaining pinhole imperfections (and fill those in with Bondo spot putty or the like if there are), wet-sand, then prime a second time. Then etch the lines, and wet-sand again. You cover most precautions that way, without having to worry about over-sanding.
It's done ! ... well, almost done :p there's only need to put the lenses and something on the inside to make it more comfortable. I got some help with the paint job from a friend, because i really don't know a lot of that area :p and i did not want to screw my work

Really nice work, Luis! The black shading makes it look used, in a good way. Adds a lot of character to it. Kudos!
A picture of me using the helmet at the recent SDCC and my girlfriend as damian wayne ! i put all my time in done a good work on the helmet and i didn;t have a lot of time to work in a suit so, my girlfriend and i decide to make a " Punk " version of our cosplays :p
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