During my last move, I discovered this beauty packed up inside a spare Playmates communicator box. I had thought it had been lost during another move and wrote it off long ago. Unfortunately, over the last 15 years (I bought it at a ST convention in Portland back in 1991 for around $60) the epoxy that was used to hold it together disintegrated and the entire prop fell apart! Even worse, one of the machined, aluminum washers was missing.
Today is my day off from every thing and since we had a rain storm come in, I decided it was a good day to fix this prop up. I took every thing apart and lightly sanded off the old, yellowed epoxy. I used a little nail polish remover to clean off the residue. I was surprised to find that the metal section was actually cast metal, so it's very pliable. The "clam shell" pieces are actually vacuum formed PVC with the 60's texture. No doubt the original master from the TV show was made the same way.
After cleaning every thing up, I glued one of the shells to the metal section with some contact cement and let it set.
In the mean time, I machined a replacement washer for one of the rinestones. Due to the small size, it's a tricky part to machine. It actually took two attempts before I could make one that looked good enough.
With the part done, I continued the assembly and viola!
She's back together and better than before!
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