Real Bonemould Amor


New Member
So, I always loved TES and its lore and I really wanted to make some armor based on it. In the end I chose Bonemold, since Dunmer are awesome, the look of the gear is awesome and I was curios how well would it hold up IRL. Spoiler alert, surprisingly well.
First thing was, as it is with most builds, sketching and looking up references.


-List of materials required to craft one in Dragonborne.


-Bone Meal, duh.
-Netch Leather, the item itself doesn´t really look like something to sew anything from, and materials for undergarment are somehow not needed in Skyrim anyways.
So my best guess is that it´s being used to make glue to bind the bone meal, same way bones and skins can be used to make adhesive IRL.
-Iron Ingots, probably used to form basis of the plates that are covered in Bonemold. Made most sense and made the armor much more viable.
-Book "Bone" from Morrowind. Not really helpful, but fun nevertheless.


-Made one, was happy, went with it. Kinda anticlimactic, I know.

Than I made a cardboard model of the armor, so I could figure out the sizes and shapes of plates.


Another step was to make the iron bases for all the plates. It was just basic cold smithing, taking a piece of cut out steel sheet and hitting it with a rounded hammer (not the one on the picture, that one is a mallet) under an angle on an anvil.


Than I covered them in cloth so it would hold onto the bone meal better and also to make it bulkier.


After that I simply mixed bone meal (which is commonly sold as a fertilizer) with some yellow adhesive, although I´m worried it might be a local brand, for the most authentic results, use animal glue, that one has similar perk as the one I used, but it´s not so easy to come by, and I´m lazy. After mixing I applied the mash onto the plates.

DSC_0032.jpg DSC_0036.jpg

I like to throw the piece with applied bonemold into some more bone meal to smooth the surface and to make further manipulation easier.


When the bonemold hardens (I like to keep it still overnight to be sure) I smooth it out lightly with sandpaper and then apply some polishing medium. I used simple boot polish, was happy with the result, so i did not experiment any further.


Than I used a whole bunch of rivets to get the whole damn thing together.
I sew some little embroided banners and attached them onto the armor.


And that was for the plates itself, rest was just simple sewing and embroiding. First I made a small padded vest to work as a gambeson.


Next was heavily embroided robe, with a lot of nasty things written in Daedric signs. Seriously, don´t translate those.



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Aaaand here are the results:
Me looking at some plant life.
Me looking at some more plant life.
Me after looking at too much plant life.
Me not caring for anymore plant life.
But jokes aside, what are the results of testing and wearing the armor:
1. It´s surprisingly resilient, after few days of wearing it, fighting, falling, getting rained on, there were only minor scratches, and water did nothing whatsoever. In this regard, it´s more
than functional for LARP events, steel blades would bite through the bonemould though.
2. It´s reasonably light and comfortable, doesn´t restrict movement, but that has more to do with the design than the material.
3. Looks great without any additional contouring or coloring.
4. It´s super easy and quick to repair, by simply mixing some more mash an putting it on the dent or cut.
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