I just got off the site. As nice as all the behind the scenes stuff and lost footage is, the site needs some work.
(Yes, I was looking at it with the right browser/Firefox and all my plug-ins and media players are up-to-date.)
It's real buggy when you transition year-to-year. I was trying to look at the Muppet tie-ins to Star Wars and I kept getting cut off and being sent back to the main timeline!
Other than that, I wish this stuff had ended up as extras for the Original Trilogy DVDs. There's far, far more that could have been packed in with the DVDs than we got!
I guess LFL feels the need to maintain some kind of illusion and still treat 30+ year fans as little children! That's sad -- a lot of history and period interviews would have been lost if some fans hadn't decided to put this stuff online.