Rare The Empire Strike Back and Return of the Jedi photos

Ah man,

That's a nice site!

I used to have the read-a-long books with cassette for all 3 of the original Star Wars movies. I kind of wish I still had them because I could transfer them digitally and save them as mp3's or CD's now! (I had the audiocassette versions which generally hold up better than records anyway.)

I never did get the read-a-long story for Escape From Ord Mandell one of the classic "untold stories" you first heard about in The Empire Strikes Back. Did that ever get adapted as a full-length novel or even short comic book story?

I had to get off the site since it didn't work well in Safari but am getting back on with Firefox. (I'm a Mac guy and you have to live with at least two browsers on the system!)

I do recall seeing "The Making of The Empire Strikes Back" book but sadly never bought it even when I saw it years later used. The only documentary I can recall released around the time of TESB was a general science fiction documentary, not one specifically about the making of TESB. Exactly why is this documentary lost? Was there something in it that a cast member or Lucas objects to?
I just got off the site. As nice as all the behind the scenes stuff and lost footage is, the site needs some work.

(Yes, I was looking at it with the right browser/Firefox and all my plug-ins and media players are up-to-date.)

It's real buggy when you transition year-to-year. I was trying to look at the Muppet tie-ins to Star Wars and I kept getting cut off and being sent back to the main timeline!

Other than that, I wish this stuff had ended up as extras for the Original Trilogy DVDs. There's far, far more that could have been packed in with the DVDs than we got!

I guess LFL feels the need to maintain some kind of illusion and still treat 30+ year fans as little children! That's sad -- a lot of history and period interviews would have been lost if some fans hadn't decided to put this stuff online.
True. I'm a member of the forums. They have more stuff that isn't on the main site,But you have to be a member to view or post in the forums. I recommend you doing so It's free and very cool.