Randy Cooper on the infamous UNOBTAINIUM ENTERPRISE

I was sooooo close to ordering one too.
Luckily I got to see one in person at comicon, and I was not impressed with the decals or some such thing and backed down.
I was sooooo close to ordering one too.
Luckily I got to see one in person at comicon, and I was not impressed with the decals or some such thing and backed down.

Yeah, same here. I thought that this was going to be the coolest thing since slice bread and then I saw it in person and started to hear the horror stories. Man, what a cluster**** that thing was and still is... I just ordered an MR Enterprise from someone who had it in stock from the last run that MR was doing. I hope I don't regret it and it ends up like that UNOB thing.
I ordered an Unobtainium Enterprise and was "led on" by them people up to the day I received the bankruptcy notice. I even asked for a refurb'd or returned one just to get something for my money.
I was actually one of the few lucky ones who got their money back before everything went down the toilet.