Rancor Door Switch


Active Member
Hey guys!!!!! This is my first posting. I have been lurking for a couple years now, and finally got a chance to join last month. I havent seen many of these on the board, so I thought I would post.

I love the more abscure props from Star Wars. The Rancor door switch was always something I wanted to make. I was shocked when I found out someone was making a kit for them (I didn't even know the parts had been found.) I did all the painting myself. I worked on it on and off for about a mouth. In the future, I would like to make one where the lights go on from the top light to the two bottom lights, when you hit the button..
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RPF Member Korbanth made a kit and offered them here and on Ebay.

Great paint and build-up. I like the obscure stuff too.
go to junkyard and search for Rancor Door button, and follow the link to a current ebay auction of my personal prop I am selling
id like to wire one of these up. im thinking of using an arcade style momentary switch under the red button, and three vintage neon lamps. does anyone here have experience with wiring high voltage? would like to make this a real working light switch or garage door switch - whatever. probably needs a flip-flip to switch the lighting between the one lamp for open and bottom lamps lit for the down position - and obviously needs to actually function as a high voltage switch.
Dude, that is sick! Now you've got me all inspired to look for obscure props like that in the Star Wars films! Such a unique piece!

How cool would it be to make that into a garage door opener?!?

This would be a neat product for thinkgeek.com to sell as something you could mount as a light switch complete with remote (aka foam skull to throw from across the room).

Looks like it was build from a kit of this panzerwagen:

Sd.KFz 222
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