QUICK AND DIRTY Trek XI McCoy "Hand Scanner"


Well-Known Member
Okay guys... I know It's Far From Screen Accurate! But for the money I put into it and the time I spent I am SEVERELY happy with it! Easily the QUICKEST AND DIRTIEST prop I've ever built!
So I went and watched Trek XI for the 2nd time tonight. It's still good to me! Anyhow... afterward I went to Walgreens and just happened to spot this cool little toothbrush... YES... toothbrush. It's got a reservoir of toothpaste and you turn a dial to push it through the bristles.

Anyway, after about an hour and change (seriously) This was my result. It's not going to win any beauty contests but for the cost of a $2.00 toothbrush and that's it (I had all the other supplies)... I'm very happy.
Total items used: Toothbrush, electrical tape, silver tape, cheap hardware hook, and some vinyl cord... oh and one plastic bit that I think came from a nightlight.... This is what I've got.
Comments welcome... Apologies for the cell phone pics...





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LLike I said... for cost and time I think I came out a winner... and thanks for the extra pics... I didn't have some of those!
Anybody have guesses on the original item??? My money is on one of those "shake to charge" flashlights!
pmd you phasepistol... anybody else gave info?on the making of this? i may havw found the original item.
Part of it is a Vic Firth salt and pepper mill. I don't know any other parts for sure.

Thanks for the help everyone!
I knew I had seen that look somewhere before... There's a discount kitchen store nearby and I had noticed that pepper grinder and thought that it might make a neat miniature lightsaber about 2 years ago! I'm going to pick one up tomorrow.

It seems the thread though has turned into a discussion of the original prop... which is not all bad but I'm starting a seperate thread for that anyway.

So seriously though. For a couple bucks and an hour and change worth of work... is it really that bad? Yes I'm asking people to pander to my ego... nice to have every now and again... but honestly if you think it sucks I don't mind hearing that either.
I have a couple of these (one bought at Williams-Sonoma, on the left, I think), and t'other found at a Linen 'n Things or Bed Bath & Beyond for $10 less than the W-S model. Have had them for 3-4 years.


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Not sure if you meant to put this in the other thread or not but the one on the right is the correct model... should be a Vic Firth pepper grinder. You'll wind up using from the plastic forward. We're thinking the back end might be part of McCoy's hypo.