Question on Casting hollow weapons

Blood Wolf

New Member
Ok, I'm starting to get into the molding and casting and have done a few simple cast and pulls of solid objects. However I have made a bolter from WH40k...and I am wanting to mold it up and cast it. However my concern is I dont want to be a solid piece as it will be fricking heavy. How does one simply make it where it has the strength of the resin plastic but hollow inside? Is it simply still a slush cast and pray it gets into all the nooks and cranies..or does one have to break the finish piece into smaller sections and roto cast them all seperatly?

Thanks for any tips/advise
Usually, for hollow pieces, the best way would be to use rotational casting methods. There are diagrams for jigs to create this device available at a few places online. Alternatively, I suppose you could make the core from polystyrene, and then pour acetone inside the small cast hole to melt it again. I have no idea how this would affect your choice of casting resin though.
you could make a two piece mold and brush in a couple of coats of smooth on 65D right up to the open edges then trim any excess, pour in some hard foam and quickly close the mold. This should glue the two halves together and make it strong but lightweight. You would have to make a hole in the end to vent the air and excess foam, but you could then dig a bit of the foam out and pour in some more resin to seal it off.