Question for the Studio Tie Bomber Builders


New Member
Hi guys, have a question for the Tie Bomber. Can someone please supply me the sizes (width and diameter) of the 3 cylinders that connect the wings to the body. I am going to turn mine on a lathe.
Thank you, Chris
I don't think anyone has nailed that down it is a matter of opinion and what you use to derive dimensions from the available reference
good luck
I am using 5/8 tubing and the first step is only 1/16 larger in dia go from there
Hi guys, have a question for the Tie Bomber. Can someone please supply me the sizes (width and diameter) of the 3 cylinders that connect the wings to the body. I am going to turn mine on a lathe.
Thank you, Chris

I don't remember the sizes I used a while back, but I just fitted inner/outer diams inside of each other starting with the 5/8" on the inner-most, using Plastruct styrene tubes. Hated buying whole tubes to get the straight tip ends, but eventually used them up. I do remember the bottom piece was actually a flange, something like their 1 7/16" or 1 9/16", instead of tubing. That was what I came up with and it worked out pretty good. :cool

On mine the first step is 1 mm thick, the second is 0.3mm thick and the third (the larger one) is 0.7mm thick.

Actually, I used only 2 kind of tubings, the first step is 1 mm thick and the second also 1 mm thick... then I added a 0.3mm strip on the first tubing so I got 1-0.3=0.7mm for the third step, I dont know if I'm clear :D

I think that's how they did, they probably just used 2 telescoping tubings (1mm thick) then added the second step with a styrene strip because this one is very thin on the studio model !
while we're on the subject of sizes..
could i beg somebody for the sizes of the two main tubes? i ran the numbers off wiki's entry of saturn v being 33' , meaning the saturn part is about 2.75". however this feels big when i scale it from other 88mm flak pieces i see on it?
julien, i suppose you used your friendly plastistrut catalog? if so, which dome did you use? the elliptical VHE type or dished dome VHD type? if neither (which i may expect cause your domes have "nipples") how deep is your dish if it isn't a stock plastistrut.

also...the diameter of the main shaft connecting wings to pods

and the size of the box that connects the pods?

this may be asking for a lot...but i am most appreciative.

many thx in advance.
Hi mate, you will need from Plastruct the following items:
VHD-200 Dished Dome
VHH-200 Hemispherical Dome
TB-200 ABS Round Tube (for main body tubes)

200 code means 2" = 50.8mm Diameter

For the main tube that runs through the bodies to the wings I machined a piece of PVC tube down to a diameter of 18.5mm which has worked fine for me!. ILM I believe used a piece of aluminium or steel tube.
Let us know how you get on dude and help is just a click away if you get stuck.
yep 2 inch abs tube beware you have to have a 25 dollar minimum order. the tube that runs thru the body to the wings is 5/8 aluminum IMHO it matches my scaled up pistures
The tube running through the body is 3/4" (19mm). ;)

Looking at at the pics of your build, your two clear tubes are (very close) to being twice the size of your supporting rod. If you recommend using a 3/4" rod, that would mean you are likely using 1.5" tubes (for the two bodies), instead of 2".
Can you help clarify?

Hey qcfoundry,

I used 2" (I had 5 mm pvc tubing but since I ordered the plastruct domes my tubing was too small by 1mm). For the tube running through the bodies I used what I had, 20mm aluminium tubing which is too large by 1mm, but it's not too noticiable I think !

So I used 2" tubes (51mm) for the bodies and 20 mm tubes for the smaller one, I hope that helps !