Question about gmprops playmates tricorder conversion


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I picked up an electronics kit from gmprops last summer and am finally getting around to doing it. My main question is about the plastic dome piece on the top of the tricorder. Does anyone know where to get that piece? In the picture it's the one marked plastic dome or rod. I'm hoping there's something I can pick up at a hardware store but it's usually not that easy! Thanks for any help!

Use a piece of acrylic rod. Using a tubing cutter you can "groove" it. After you have the grooves you can do one of two things. You can cut the piece of rod in half and sand the cut side flat. The other option is to sand the acrylic to the "c" shaped profile. That take a little more work, but I've found it more accurate.

What I did on the first try was used a clear body pen that had a ribbed grip. I cut the grip down to the approximate size and cut it in half. It looked alright, but I latter replaced it with the method I described above. I hope something in here helps.
That's definitely helpful, I can visualize exactly what you mean. Thanks so much! I have a long road ahead of me so I may be back with more questions haha
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