Originally posted by Hecubus114@Apr 16 2006, 03:54 PM
I guess what it will really come down to is if the original artist cares or not.
The only thing dependant on that is whether or not you get punished for it. That doesn't change the fact that you are selling copies of someone elses intelectual property. If you don't have a license, then you do not have the right to profit from someone else's intellectual property. You may get by with out being punished for it, just the like the guys who sell copies of lightsabers seen on screen with out an LFL licens, but it isn't legal.
I'm pretty sure they can't kick in your door and take the copy you made for yourself. However, you don't have the right to sell it... not even at cost. Someone else created the image and it is their intellectual property. It's like buying a CD, burning copies, and selling them. Just because you paid for an original, invested money in a burner and CD-R's, and spent your own time to make copies, does not give you right to sell those copies. You bought the CD, not the rights to the music on it. You invested your time, money, and talent into copying a work, and you own the copy, but not the rights to the intellectual property that would allow you sell or distribute the copies you make. The fact that there is no other licensed copies is irrelevant. You won't be taking business away from anyone, but the business that may be out there isn't yours to take either.
I will add that I am not a lawyer. That is just my current understanding. I have had a good deal of exposure to this type of thing as I work for a company that aggressively protects it's trademarked and copyrighted material. I understand that this does not make me an expert by any stretch.
If it weren't folks violating copyright and intellectual property, the vast majority of the replica props out here wouldn't exist. No one would own Stormtrooper armor of any type (except the few with the money and connections to buy screen-used). The only helmets out there would be Don Post, Rubies, and Altman's (Am I missing one or two?). Screen used props are rare and expensive. Not everyone has the talent to replicate there own, and those that do don't always have the time. There is always going to be a (black) market for these unlicensed replicas. Everybody (including the movie/TV studios and their legal departments) knows it.
If you want to do the right thing, then contact the copyright holder and buy a license or don't sell copies. If you are dead set on selling copies, then don't get caught.