Question about casting latex in a silicone mold


Sr Member
hi everyone , i have a question about casting latex in a silicone mold,
i have made a finger sculpt for my girlfriend costume project, and created a silicone mold with smooth-on product. Everything is good for now , BUT when i put latex in the mold , the opening where i pour the latex dries but the rest of the filling doesn't cure inside the mold .

The finger is about 8 inches long, and the latex dries only 2 inches at the beginning inside the mold , it's been 2 days that it curing but the latex still wet .

What can i do now for the latex to cure?

thank's for taking your time to read this tread

it will not work, you cannot cast latex in a silicone mold, you need to make your mold out of hydrocal or palster of paris.
I agree... a plaster ( ultracal ) mold is standard for latex

Lacking that...My suggestion would be to cast it using a Slush casting technique ( easy to find info online )
Build it up in layers....latex needs to lose moisture to the air.. thin layers will cure faster. A bit of heat couldn't hurt either.
Once you get a decent wall thickness..pour is a bit of 2 part foam....done !
Yeah, I agree with the heat idea. You could heat up your mould on a very low heat in the oven. This would help. then a process of slushing and directing a hair dryer into the mold should be enough, repeated a few times, to do the trick.
ok cool ! thanks for the info, this was my fist idea to create a plaster mold , i wanted to keep details as possible , that's why i made a silicone mold ... and i used a heat source to try to cure it ... but the air was not reaching inside the silicone mold ...

well , i gonna try this and will keep you updated :)