Q's about lightsaber parts...


New Member
Hello there! I've been reading the posts on this site for years now, and registered awhile back. I'm contemplating building a custom lightsaber design with aspects of certain well known saber aspects. While I've read several different threads and have done several searches, I am still a bit confused when it comes to the terminology concerning the parts since I'm a complete newbie when it comes to making props.

Has there ever been a post or a picture done that shows a lightsaber (say the Obi-Won ANH saber) with arrows pointing to certain parts and saying what they're called? Parts like the emitter and activation clamp make sense, but others I don't really understand. I can guess that the "wind vane" is that part below the emitter with the turbine-like part, but I'm not really sure.
Sometimes parts are named for what they are used for in the Star Wars universe, and sometimes they are named for what real-world parts they are.
... and sometimes a complete misconception of what the real-world part really was sticks around for years and years after it has been proven to be completely misleading. :rolleyes

For the Obi-Wan saber, there are these diagrams:

Star Wars universe:

Real-world parts:

You are right about the "wind vane".
The business end of a lightsaber is generally called an "emitter", yes. If it has some kind of a cylinder around it, that is often called an "emitter shroud".
The end part of a lightsaber can always be called a "pommel" ... because that is what they are called on real-world swords. ;)
The plastic T-profile tracks on some lightsabers are often called "grips" for some strange reason, and while that always make me cringe there is still something worse: when people call them "windshield viper blades" and think that they were made of rubber.
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You can click my signature to get the full sized image, it's RPF2

Here you go:


For the sticklers: Yes, it still says Balance Tube instead of Balance Pipe. I also have the frosted calculator bubbles shown instead of the correct clear ones.

I made that image several years ago, it needs to be updated.
Now those are some cool images! I'm going to have to draw up a few sketches using some of those parts, then start the hunt in the Junkyard. Thanks dudes!