Putting Vera together -Finished, Pics post 14!


Master Member
Well, I promised a progress thread on my Vera replica build, so here goes:

I now have most of the parts I needed to collect together, before starting the real work (though I've done a bit...)

Here are the parts so far, just laid out on the floor in rough correlation to the prop layoat:


The flash hider is a Zprinter 650 RP 3d print (thanks to various members of the Sketchup & Shapeways forums for helping with the modelling, and West Wirral Works for the print...)

The D-Bal laser is a fake - a replica that is a actually a battery holder for airsoft. Needs some mods, specifically removing the actual battery case that makes it too large. Can't really complain for $25.

The larger scope is a TGS PV-14 that I'm going to mod to look more like the correct PVS-18.

Shells are Magtech 12 guauge shotshells. I have modelled the actual round, currently waiting for the mold to set before casting in resin.

I've repaired the broken stock, needs a lot of sanding down, and drilled out the holes in the stock that were filled for the stunt cast.

Started work on the top rail for the scopes (not pictured)

Hoping to get some decent progress over Xmas.
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Re: Putting Vera together

Ahhh... the sweetest and bestest gun ever made by human hands....

Singing, "JAYYNNNEEeeeeee!" :love
Re: Putting Vera together

nice! all the parts may not be 100% spot on, but it was instantly recognizable as vera!
Re: Putting Vera together

Didn't get nearly as much done on this over Christmas and New Year due to calamatous family events followed by extreme sickness, but I do have some progress to report.
I've been working on the stock section. I've repaired the original broken piece to my eventual satisfaction. Had to take a few liberties, but overall it's comeout pretty nice and sturdy.


I next sculpted and cast the bullet tips for the shells. Not entireley happy with how these worked out, so will prolly go back and redo them. The Shell holder was scratchbuilt from styrene sheet and Milliput epoxy, in two sections.

The finished piece:



Re: Putting Vera together

She's gettin' there. You're closing in on the home stretch.:thumbsup
Re: Putting Vera together

It's been emotional, but my Vera is finally done!

I ended up scratch-building some modifications to the PVS-14 airsoft scope, to make it more closeley resemble the original PVS-18. The scope mount and rail were also scratch built.

So, pictures!






