Pulse Rifle Sling


Active Member
Any body know where to get the 2" nylon webbing strap used on pulse rifles.I figured get this now before the pulse rifle arrives. Maybe someone can do a run of these.
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Any body know where to get the 2" nylon webbing strap used on pulse rifles.I figured get this now before the pulse rifle arrives. Maybe someone can do a run of these.

Try Matt Noble (Noble) at the Aliens Legacy board...he is doing a run right now...you might be able to persuade him to put you on the list.

Yeah, I need one for my PR and the Motion Tracker I'm building. I remember these were offered before because someone sourced a roll of stuff that has been long out of production. Surly we can find more.
The one on my current airsoft PR is from one of Matt's first run. Been happy with it ever since. I may need to get another one, real soon, though.
I don't know if a sling is supplied with the upcoming HCG PR - Matt might find himself in big demand pretty soon! :lol
I would highly recommend Matt's. I actually started to research the sling myself and was going to try and collect all the correct found parts to make one... then I saw Matt's and that was that! :)
Head over to the AlienLegacy board I know Matt has been doing a good size run but not sure how many more he can do. His are great, can't be beat I can't say enough good things about his quality.
Got 3 myself.
I'm the sling maker I guess.

I have the 8 stripe webbing made for me. It is not something available.

Just finished up a group, almost shipped them all out.

Currently making some PR sling pads. (Apone had a pad on his sling)
Got some webbing in last week.

Posted an INT thread in the JY.

I have some hardware, but will need to order some more.