PT Stormtrooper Armor?

cayman shen

Master Member
Tried search, sure there's a topic but couldn't find it...

I saw the PT Stormtrooper armor on ebay, and it looks good to me. I like that it's advertised as flexible, since comfort matters...but is it any good?
Since you asked, my official opinion is that it is recast of recast of recast crap.

what Gino said, it´s obviously a recast from various other second or third gen. armors.
from what i know it derived from the so called CAP recasts.
Ho Jeezus, I've opened up another case of armor worms! JJax, you wanna PM me some info on what a TE2 will run me and where to get one (assuming it's not more than an AP, in which case it's off the table)?

Maybe I can grab an FX without a helmet...that bucket doesn't work for me at all.
but TE2 seems to be over a dozen things right now,no?
i still waited reply for a helmet order,and now im running out of money:cry
I liked that last post of his on FISD trying to dig out of his hole, someone should inform him what road is paved with the best intentions. :lol
I, personally, wouldn't go with TE. But that is just me.

I have issues with any vendor who would willingly slander another vendor, accusing them of recasting, when it was a bold face lie. He did this recently in the garrison that I used to associate with.

You take into account that he tends to make runs of armor and helmets when he is missing out on the Star Wars cash cow or charges an obscene and excessive amount of money for his wares - the price tag for a TE2 Helmet was $300, once upon a time. I've heard that he's dropped prices, since. To be fair, I don't know one way or the other.

The latter is based from my perception, of course. The former, however, is a fact. I called him out on his bogus claim and then he started whistling a different tune. Of course, the garrison still welcomed him with open arms and continued to support his shady business practices, rather than do the decent thing and not support such dishonesty.

Of course, the 501st can't take an official stand, one way or another. It has to be the morality check of the individual.

If you aren't bothered by those kind of practices, then go for it. Personally, I would rather deal with somebody else. Sending a pm to a vendor that, appears, to be on the level.

*Note: To some TE may be a friend. I certainly am not trying to make enemies, here. Just speak the truth and maybe give another perspective on things.

- Bill
TE2, not "TE". Two totally different people

I, personally, wouldn't go with TE. But that is just me.

I have issues with any vendor who would willingly slander another vendor, accusing them of recasting, when it was a bold face lie. He did this recently in the garrison that I used to associate with.

You take into account that he tends to make runs of armor and helmets when he is missing out on the Star Wars cash cow or charges an obscene and excessive amount of money for his wares - the price tag for a TE2 Helmet was $300, once upon a time. I've heard that he's dropped prices, since. To be fair, I don't know one way or the other.

The latter is based from my perception, of course. The former, however, is a fact. I called him out on his bogus claim and then he started whistling a different tune. Of course, the garrison still welcomed him with open arms and continued to support his shady business practices, rather than do the decent thing and not support such dishonesty.

Of course, the 501st can't take an official stand, one way or another. It has to be the morality check of the individual.

If you aren't bothered by those kind of practices, then go for it. Personally, I would rather deal with somebody else. Sending a pm to a vendor that, appears, to be on the level.

*Note: To some TE may be a friend. I certainly am not trying to make enemies, here. Just speak the truth and maybe give another perspective on things.

- Bill
Bill, I think you are confusing TE (Matt) with TE2 (Guns). Not the same guy. I've never heard anything negative about TE2.

Oh, snap! Well, that is embarrassing. :$

My sincerest apologies to TE2 (Guns). Yes, I was referring to TE (Matt).

My bad for assuming they were the same, as I believe Matt offers a "TE2" helmet, meaning a version 2 helmet. So you can see where I was confused.

Again, my apologies to Guns for the mix up!

- Bill
WOW... and what's the excuse used for recasting him? Can't be because he's a prick or too expensive as I've seen being used as excuses to recast the other "legitimate within the prop community" armor makers.

He(PT) did this because on his country and/or there are no paint that could withstand on plastic surfaces,and want to help other people because he's heard that TE2 will stop producing,also offering cheaper option(i guess the helmet worth not more than $100) know
before he did it,he's asking TE2 for a 'permit' and business partnership,but TE2 denied the offer.
this is my base opinion and all the info i had,if theres some false info or its less than it should be,be my guess:thumbsup