Prop photo and or reference galleries


Well-Known Member
I think the RPF could benefit by having a reference and or photo gallery that someone like me could access easily. It's just a thought. :confused
Good idea how would it work ? you mean members uploading pics themselves ?
The pics would really need to be hosted on the rpf itself though otherwise we'd end up with lots of little boxes with red X's in like all the old threads where people delete or move the pics on wherever they host before posting.
How would it be organised ?
There's a wide range of interests and tastes here, got props,costumes,models,busts for a start then you have to think about the sheer number of movies and tv shows, then the various characters and objects from those movies and shows, would need some serious organising.
Each discipline (prop, costuming, and studio scale (even general modeling) could have it's own visual reference section. Maybe we could create RPF reference wiki's (without owners) for individual props, costumes, and "whatever" which would then be maintained collectively by forum members. Living documents.
I really really like this idea. Our forum is one of the few "building forums" that doesn't have it's own reference galleries. :)

Vaderdarth, do you realize you have nearly 8,000 posts! Holy moly!:eek:lol
Anyway - I think this is a fantastic idea.
But a monumental task it is! Folders with subfolders that have even more subfolders:
Star Wars > Weapons > Lightsabers > Luke ANH
> Rebels > Han Solo's Blaster
> Empire > Stormtrooper Blaster
Ahhh, you get the point!
Great idea and it would TOTALLY help out a lot with many discussions. I support this one and I hope to be able to contribute to it if it ever gets off the ground!(y)thumbsup
I was going to star t a post like this...and then i saw it.

I am a mamber of The dented helmet, and we do have great galleries with the real items (Boba , Jango) with thousends of pics... ( i sent houndreds of the Star Wars exhibition)...

It could have weapons, characters, vessels....etc.

I think that it is a must.

The staff is looking into this, and at the very least we will be making changes so that there will be no need for third party hosting of images.
general frosty, I'm like the old man of the sea in these parts. I'm one of a handful of veterans that were around on the first replica props board. :)
As Montagar mentioned, we are making changes to our upload tool so members can use it instead of an external hosting solution.

In regard to creating a resource gallery... it is on the list but honestly, we have a LOT of other issues to correct before a gallery will be implemented, but it IS on the list and is one of the things we want to tackle!

I know a number of sites that use the Gallery 2 software which integrates with vB and is probably the way we will go when we get to it, but we are also open to suggestions from members.

Right now, the greatest concern I have is with trying to organize the content...