Prop Party in San Diego? Un-Stick Please


Sr Member
Mods, could you please post this as a sticky.

I thought that I would throw out the possibility of hosting a Prop Party at one of our local conventions in San Diego. ConDor is San Diego's longest running Sci-Fi convention and is being held on Febuary 29th-March 2nd at the Handerly Hotel & Resort located in Mission Valley (950 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108). Ellen Muth of "Dead Like Me" is the Media Guest of Honor. ConDor info:

There will be a meeting room set aside as a media display area where interested RPF'ers could set up prop & costume displays on supplied tables. The Con would charge us $10 for a special RPF badge and would grant you access to the display area and the Con Suite (free snack food & sodas!).
I would have access to the room from Friday thru Sunday, so you could display & hang out for as long as you'd want.
If this sounds like something you'd like to participate in, please respond in this thread to gage interest and let me know how many tables we would need.

Randy in San Diego
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Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?


I hope you get a good turnout :)


Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

I might be able to attend this but I won't know for sure until the date gets closer.
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

I might be interested in doing this. It sounds like fun. I'm in Vista, north san diego county.

Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

Anybody in the OC area going to this? I currently don't have a car. :(
Would be willing to font the gas.
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

Somehow my post disappeared. weird.

I should be in town for this, and it's been WAY too long since we've had a prop shindig in SD. Let's do this.
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

OK, the Con has decided that they would waive the $10 fee for a badge. We would be considered as program participants of the Media Room display.
We will also be screening various Sci-Fi movies & TV episodes on a 42" Plasma.
We should also be screening an episode of "Dead Like Me" with actress Ellen Muth. Ellen said she would be bringing a blooper reel compiled from various episodes that has never been seen by anyone not connected with the show.

So let me know how many of you are definitely coming so I can get a table count for the hotel.

Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

I'm in Randy.

Probably not going to bring anything this time, but would br great to hang out again.
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

right now I am in ( no props through traveling x-country) what do I need to do?
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

OK, here's a ConDor Prop Party update. It looks like we'll be having several media guests now. As mentioned before, Ellen Muth of Dead Like Me will be screening a favorite episode, blooper reel, and a music video followed by a Q & A. Herb Jefferson Jr. of TOS Battlestar Galactica will also screen an episode with a Q & A. Catherine Hicks may also be joining us for a screening of Star Trek IV. As usual, they should all be selling photos and singing autographs afterwards for a fee.
I have 8 tables set aside for RPF members to set up displays. So far, it looks like only 2-3 members have voiced their interest and those may not bring anything to display. Hopefully this will change. Still, people can come just to hang out and meet fellow RPF members.
The media room will be located in the Balboa Room at the Handerly Hotel. All you really need to do is show up. I may have to work part of the day on Friday, but should be there around noon for the initial set up. Tentatively, the hours for the media room will be 2-7 pm on Friday, 10-7 pm on Saturday, and 10-4 pm on Sunday.
I hope more of you can make it.

Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

I have a question. I think I want to attend on Saturday or Sunday, so do they have just a one day membership? But I'm just interested in the prop room, so do I even need to buy a ticket?
Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

No, you don't need a ticket to gain access to the Media/Prop Room. Since we are screening DVD's in the Media Room it is open to the public. You would need a ticket to attend any of the other functions at the con.

Re: Possible Prop Party in San Diego?

The Media/Prop Room is located in the Balboa Room of the Handerly Hotel in the Mission Valley area of San Diego.
