Prop Fan Recasting My Trigger Tip/Ring

Any word?

I'm just chiming in with my support for John and Cam. These are two good, hard working guys and no matter how insignificant something like this part may seem, the bottom line is it cannot be tolerated in a community that encourages artists to develop their own work.

Like I said, just showing my support.

I'm just chiming in with my support for John and Cam. These are two good, hard working guys and no matter how insignificant something like this part may seem, the bottom line is it cannot be tolerated in a community that encourages artists to develop their own work.

Like I said, just showing my support.

I agree, and quite frankly, this has gone on long enough with this. The staff needs to finally put up.
When I first saw the title I thought its some amazingly complex part that he had recast; or its made from a found part that's so rare its impossible to get hold of to make a mold.

After seeing the part I'm totally dumbfounded. It'd take anyone with only an iota of prop skill to make in a jiffy. Ok dimensions are hard to get right but with 2 pieces as reference a new master can be made out of PVC & a piece of wood in like an hour, or less!

I guess when you don't even have an iota of skill, yet want to deal in props, recasting is the only way to go :unsure
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