Prop Fan Recasting My Trigger Tip/Ring

Ron, I contacted him privately 3 weeks ago in an attempt to resolve things peacefully. He only made the same claime that I posted, that he's so good he wouldn't need to recast the part. He's had 3 weeks to show me pics of his master, he didn't. Now I say it's too late for him to simply say sorry, short of him proving he has masters that are NOT the 2 triggers I sold him and have ALL the same details I have pointed out (in which case I have no problem apologizing but am 100% certain that won't be the case) he has no defense.

He got caught once in the past and claimed ignorance, that doesn't happen twice.
In my opinion, I think John's evidence speaks for itself. Can this part be scratchbuilt, sure. I have seen it done personally. But John's point of the laser cut marks, welding pattern, and the whole inside the ring, just magnify the obvious in this case. And the fact that he has side by side comparison pictures to back up his allegation. It must have been recast from one of John's machined parts.

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New guy to the forum I am curious.
Is there anything that could be done on propfan's part to diffuse the situation? I guess what I am asking is, do these things ever end well. and is that even possible in a situation like this?


Yes they can end well.

I had an incident with someone here. When confronted, he acted like an upfront guy and confessed he'd done wrong. Now we are on good terms and are doing a couple of projects together (if I ever get around to it).

Seems the evidence is clear.

I don't understand why anyone would want that pieces in resin in the first place. It's aluminum, so you should have one in aluminum. I guess budget minded people might want one. Those are the folks who support recasters the most. Too cheap to buy the real deal.

Hey Dr. Slurpee can you make me one, I need one.
Or is it really as simple as greed - wanting cheap parts for your projects no matter who gets burned in the process?

we've got a winner here D!

THATS the problem with the "new school" of prop builders... i dont know, maybe its me, but when i joined the old,old RPF recasting didnt happen this much, because people were willing to pay for quality... now, save a buck and screw the guy who works for it.

BTW... i dont visit proptopia at all, so i never saw any of your runs... if you've got some stuff lying around, like these trigger tips, or the heat sink mentioned before... please do let me know.....
BTW... i dont visit proptopia at all, so i never saw any of your runs... if you've got some stuff lying around, like these trigger tips, or the heat sink mentioned before... please do let me know.....

I worked in with John in getting the heat sinks machined (and hopefully more parts in the near future) using my machine shop connection to get them done reasonable, and because it's an under the table cash deal for the run(s) the supply isn't constant and trickles in as unused machine time and scrap material permits... Right now I have only two blemished ones to offer, one with a few nicks on a fin and the other that for some reason wasn't finished on one of the flat sides, with a little paint they will both look just fine... I do have a request in for more, but I can't say when they will come down the line, as 2 1/2" thick scrap isn't all that common ;)

Rather then clogging this thread anymore I will direct you towards this one

BTW like all of John's runs this isn't your typical "for profit" run, I'm not saying I didn't make a few bucks on the run, but almost all of the profits will be returned to John in product and the any other profit pretty much was killed getting the damn things drilled/tapped and out the door...

This is what really takes the buzz out of doing runs like this for the community, putting in the time and effort as John has to research and draw the CAD files, and then turning little to no profit on the run only to have someone else capitalize on the work...
Well I was a into GB props at the height of the Heugel stuff wnd the gun tip that I made always was a bit of a blem that stuck out. I would actually love one in resin, but won't buy under these cicumstances.
Any chance of an "Authorised" run in resin?
Seems to me that this would help to steer people away from the recast.

Still nothing from Prop Fan, other than the single post he made on Proptopia which I quoted here. Proptopia seems to be giving him till monday and then he's getting banned.

As for authoized casts of my trigger tips...Cam and I had pretty much planned to offer them from the get go, it's just sickness and other real life stuff got in the way. I suspect (again this is just my opinion), that Charles, knowing that Cam and I were planning to sell casts, decided to recast mine rather than actually finish his own so he could get them out first and have the only one on the market.
Then there needs to be some deadline here as well. Like I said before, the evidence is damning. He has not signed on since the 6th, I believe, yet has had plenty of time to respond. The staff needs to step up and deal with this guy, tenure of his membership not withstanding.
Wow John.I can't believe this is happening to ya.***** like this shouldn't happen to such a nice guy like you man.

As Qui-Gonzalez has said,the evidence is damning.
Side Note...

I am Cam. Just so there is no confusion if and when our trigger is out there and it looks strikingly similar too whats pictured here.

Second side note...

Thank you all for your support in this. Yes it's a small part, but yes it's also a big deal.

Thanks again.

I'll whole heartedly support John and SKS Studios in just about anything.I've been around on Proptopia for a long while and I know who's who to trust and who not to trust,and now Prop Fan is on the not to trust recasters list.
Charles has been banned from Proptopia. AJ posted an interesting bit from him from back in the fall of 2007 where he claims to have made his master from a PVC ring (tough size to find in PVC!) and a wooden hook, with makeup "nose putty" for the weld. Charles pretty much nailed the coffin shut by claiming to have used those materials.

Any action from the RPF impending?
Charles has been banned from Proptopia. AJ posted an interesting bit from him from back in the fall of 2007 where he claims to have made his master from a PVC ring (tough size to find in PVC!) and a wooden hook, with makeup "nose putty" for the weld. Charles pretty much nailed the coffin shut by claiming to have used those materials.

Any action from the RPF impending?
If Bryan had time to close The Adywan fan edit thread, then he and the rest of the staff have had time to review and come to a conclusion on this situation.
I have contacted Charles again and given him until tomorrow night to contact the staff on this issue. After that the staff will discuss next steps based off of the information we have on hand. This does not mean there will be a conclusion tomorrow evening, we will only see what has transpired and discuss next steps.

Your continued patience is appreciated.

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