Prop book makers, how do you do it?


Sr Member
I've seen many proppers making replica book with multiple pages and stuff. Is there a printshop that does this custome books somewhere? How is it even put together?
Your best bet is to seek out books an/or websites about bookbinding. There are tons of them out there that explain the subject.
Books like the Indy Grail Diary are either a modified blank or are hand bound.
You may find more information on Club Obi Wan in the Grail Diary forum.

There are also tutorials on making Tomes on the net, usually on Cthulhu sites.

Most of the grail diaries are handmade. IndyMagnoli does a very nice blank version of it. He can do new versions or wheathered and can also do completed diaries among other Indy props. Here's his site.
There are a dozen guys over at COW that could probably walk you through it. Also, you could just PM Sulla here. He offered the hand bound diaries in the JY. Really great guy to deal with.

I know Gus Weber 's work. He is a new member here at RPF.
He does the complete diary with its complete written by hand and all the inserts.
I once tried making my own book, it's impossibly hard to squash all the pages together to get a nice, tight bind when you sew the pages together at the spine.

But maybe I was doing something wrong.

I finally just went to Hobby Lobby and found a blank book the size I needed, glued pages together in two's using wheat paste (to make really thick single pages) and went from there.