Problematic issues with iconic film stories

I figured that Hammond being present for the hatchings was a bit of both. It was PR showboating and maybe a genuine naive Timothy-Treadwell mindset that he was bonding with them.

The movie version of Hammond was adjusted to be more lovable and less nasty. In the novel he was the classic bossy overconfident rich A-hole.

IMO if there was a Chekov's gun that wasn't fired in the movie, it was Nedry's shaving cream can with the embryos inside.
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IMO if there was a Chekov's gun that wasn't fired in the movie, it was Nedry's shaving cream can with the embryos ininside.
That was the plot of a game.

It wouldn't make sense it could be retrieved later, though, since there is a time limit on the cooling system. Nedry dropping it meant it was doomed.

Or did the game happen during the movie? Which also kinda wouldn't make sense... unless Dodgson didn't trust Nedry and sent in a team in secret and the embryo can was trackable...
That was the plot of a game.

It wouldn't make sense it could be retrieved later, though, since there is a time limit on the cooling system. Nedry dropping it meant it was doomed.

Or did the game happen during the movie? Which also kinda wouldn't make sense... unless Dodgson didn't trust Nedry and sent in a team in secret and the embryo can was trackable...

I would think even a batch of recently-dead embryos would be worth a lot to a competitor.

It's not as good as live embryos but at least it's a set of complete working gene profiles. That means no digging through a thousand tons of ancient amber looking for mosquitos. No growing animals from a thousand different mosquito blood samples to find ones with marketable dinosaur species. No patching old DNA fragments with frog code. Etc.
I would think even a batch of recently-dead embryos would be worth a lot to a competitor.

It's not as good as live embryos but at least it's a set of complete working gene profiles. That means no digging through a thousand tons of ancient amber looking for mosquitos. No growing animals from a thousand different mosquito blood samples to find ones with marketable dinosaur species. No patching old DNA fragments with frog code. Etc.
This should have been the direction of the story rather than the idiotic fallen empire nonsense.

"How did the world end?"
"65 million years ago a 9 year old girl pressed a button..."
I would think even a batch of recently-dead embryos would be worth a lot to a competitor.

It's not as good as live embryos but at least it's a set of complete working gene profiles. That means no digging through a thousand tons of ancient amber looking for mosquitos. No growing animals from a thousand different mosquito blood samples to find ones with marketable dinosaur species. No patching old DNA fragments with frog code. Etc.
Pretty sure that "we patched DNA with frog code" was more the writers trying to be "smart" and patch an issue with Jurassic Park that didnt need to be patched.

Pretty sure it was recently discovered that dinosaurs were less big reptiles and many actually had feathers unlike the depiction popularized by Jurassic Park so the writers likely added in the "frog DNA" to explain why the dinosaurs arnt "scientifically accurate."
No. That was a book thing to explain why some of them were able to breed and not as anything remotely about what kind of species dinosaurs were actually closely related to.

It was also an indication to show that InGen didn't care and didn't know much about what they were making and didn't bother talking with people who knew.

The frog thing was also almost what got us Spielbergs frog looking dinosaur concepts in the movie that was thankfully stopped by Stan Winston.
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Yeah the frog code patch was probably there to explain how the dinos started breeding.

But even in the first book, Crichton was talking about dinos being more related to modern birds than reptiles. That was in JP from day one. Critchton had the dinos being patched with whatever code they could use. Frog, reptile, bird, etc.

IIRC there was a convo (in the book) between Hammond and Dr. Wu about this stuff. Wu was saying the dinos were already not accurate because of the necessary reconstruction work, so why not tamper with them more for their own purposes? Make them more like people's expectations, more docile & controllable, etc. Hammond dismissed it because he was wedded to the idea of "real ones". Wu was saying "You don't get it. They are't real now."

My guess is, Crichton probably figured he needed to cover his butt. If Hammond's recreated dinos were genetically altered then it's a catch-all. Researching mistakes that Crichton made, later discoveries about dinos, storytelling liberties he wanted to take, etc.

As for the relationship to birds, I suspect Crichton probably just decided the dinos would be more cinematic if they weren't too far removed from the older stereotypes. He split the difference by making them warm-blooded and more fast/smart/aggressive, but still scaly and lizard-like on the surface.
What he wrote was close to what was known at the time. There weren't much evidence of feathered dinosaurs at the time. It had only started being taken seriously that they were more like birds than sluggish some short time before. He kinda had to play some things a little safe and not go full in on all the newest stuff in case it would later turn out to be wrong and some of it was.
I liked the acknowledgement of how the understanding of dino appearance has shifted by the time of Jurassic World - the new CEO character is aghast at the horrible hybrid dino they'd made (Indominus Rex IIRC?) and asking why the hell they added cuttlefish DNA to it, Wu says "our dinos have never been genuine, if they were they'd look quite different"
Pretty sure that "we patched DNA with frog code" was more the writers trying to be "smart" and patch an issue with Jurassic Park that didnt need to be patched.

Pretty sure it was recently discovered that dinosaurs were less big reptiles and many actually had feathers unlike the depiction popularized by Jurassic Park so the writers likely added in the "frog DNA" to explain why the dinosaurs arnt "scientifically accurate."
No, they put in the frog DNA to explain the dinosaurs changing sex.
I liked the acknowledgement of how the understanding of dino appearance has shifted by the time of Jurassic World - the new CEO character is aghast at the horrible hybrid dino they'd made (Indominus Rex IIRC?) and asking why the hell they added cuttlefish DNA to it, Wu says "our dinos have never been genuine, if they were they'd look quite different"
There were a lot of those kind of quotes in the movie, similar to Starlord's comment about: "Dinosaurs... WOW enough!"

But... instead of actually giving us those things, which was what I had hoped for now that we had the park open... to see them improve the designs and make them more accurate and put them up against Hammond's older versions so people could see the improvement... but no... they went in the opposite direction and made them even more inaccurate and they didn't feel like animals anymore... even though that was a problem even back from the second film. The only reason they really feel like animals in the first film is because of Phil Tippett and Stan Winston. Spielberg wanted monsters... even though he claims different in the behind the scenes stuff. But when you see what Spielberg wanted before those two power houses came and course corrected... it would have sunk the first movie and made it a **** show.

If you wanna see what I'm talking about, search for the frog T-Rex and dinosaurs concepts from early in the production, which were made by Spielberg's expressed direction and wants... and when things changed, the people working on those weren't even told about it.
Oh wow look at this goofy goober

In BTTF: why is Doc in such a hurry at the end of the film to take Marty to 2015 to fix a problem with his kids, ASAP? He’s got a Time Machine... he could literally leave at any time, he could wait a day or two, catch up with Marty, take more time to set up a plann. I can’t believe that Doc would’ve been that impatient, knowing what had just happened.

Jennifer was there, so Doc dragged her as long as well, because it said "it affects her, too". However, at the beginning of BTTF2, Doc knocks her out so that she won’t get in the way. He really didn’t want her in the first place/ he never really wanted her to come along.

At the end of BTTF 3, the DeLorean Time Machine is destroyed by a train. The train can be seen stopped much further down the tracks. There’s debris everywhere. Marty immediately leaves the site to go find Jennifer on the front porch; they hop in his Toyota truck, Marty almost gets into a wreck (but avoids it, etc). Then they go back to the train tracks where the accident happened and… nothing. There’s still debris everywhere, but there’s no police cars, the tracks aren’t even closed off, there’s no emergency personnel on scene, etc. I get it that this may have been an hour or two after the DeLorean was destroyed, but it’s still the middle of the same day, the sun is still up.

And then Doc Brown appears in his new train Time Machine, and they’re still nobody else around! This is not a remote train crossing, it's on the edge of a subdivision/ development. Where is everyone?! How are Jennifer and Marty the only observers?

In BTTF: why is Doc in such a hurry at the end of the film to take Marty to 2015 to fix a problem with his kids, ASAP? He’s got a Time Machine... he could literally leave at any time, he could wait a day or two, catch up with Marty, take more time to set up a plann. I can’t believe that Doc would’ve been that impatient, knowing what had just happened.

Jennifer was there, so Doc dragged her as long as well, because it said "it affects her, too". However, at the beginning of BTTF2, Doc knocks her out so that she won’t get in the way. He really didn’t want her in the first place/ he never really wanted her to come along.

At the end of BTTF 3, the DeLorean Time Machine is destroyed by a train. The train can be seen stopped much further down the tracks. There’s debris everywhere. Marty immediately leaves the site to go find Jennifer on the front porch; they hop in his Toyota truck, Marty almost gets into a wreck (but avoids it, etc). Then they go back to the train tracks where the accident happened and… nothing. There’s still debris everywhere, but there’s no police cars, the tracks aren’t even closed off, there’s no emergency personnel on scene, etc. I get it that this may have been an hour or two after the DeLorean was destroyed, but it’s still the middle of the same day, the sun is still up.

And then Doc Brown appears in his new train Time Machine, and they’re still nobody else around! This is not a remote train crossing, it's on the edge of a subdivision/ development. Where is everyone?! How are Jennifer and Marty the only observers?

Wouldn't those simply be plot holes?

I like the trilogy but it had its weak spots. The BTTF1-to-2 scene and the final BTTF3 ending scenes could have used more writing/development.

In both cases they thought they were writing the end of the story. They slapped it together without thinking it through.