Prequel - Rise of the Planet of the Apes Movie

10 bucks says that in the films climactic moment Caesar says 1 word and then BANG!!!!!!!!!!! end of movie
Except in the new version we won't get film roll forward roll back roll forward roll back roll forward roll back fade to black....






I want to staple a TAIL on the headline writers ass so maybe then they can tell a monkey from an ape!
Ok....I am not diggin the design. I know they SHOULD look close to real apes, but part of the appeal of both POTA and King Kong is that they are Hollywood Simians.

Plus, I am going to have to really suspend my disbelief that they can conquer mankind, with nothing but themselves. Are there billions of them? Will we be partly decimated by a plague? I know the original Conquest movie follows the same premise, but it was still very unbelievable and also very hard to watch.

I am going with a "meh" on this.

edit: Just read the article.....Letteri is clueless:

“Our chimps have to look like real chimps,” Letteri said. “In the original franchise, you could tell they were actors in suits. Here we’re seeing how the evolution happened. We have to go to reality.”

reality of Apes taking over the world? :rolleyes

That's the problem with the industry today. They are trying to make fantasy look too realistic. The public isn't that gullible. Just a small part of our brains need to see the make-up....just to help suspend our we can let our minds enjoy the unreal.
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^ I would rather they looked like that.

"..but unlike those characters, the faces won’t reflect the features of the actors playing them. “They’ll be recognizably distinctive due to differences in size, how dense the fur is, how big the ears are, different colorations to the face and the muzzle,” Letteri said.

Again, out of touch. Most of the appeal of the original movies were the actors behind the foam. We forgave the make-up and campy dialog.

I liked Burton's POTA, I enjoyed all the old sequels too. This should be good cuz we don't know exactly what happened for them to take over. I wonder if Semos will show up in his space pod in this one haha
Doesn't look too bad to me, didn't "Man" destroy the world in the original and the apes had evolved through time though. I'm pretty sure its not just 200 apes taking over the world. Maybe they just take over America and the rest of the world bombs the hell out of it???

Thats gunna cause Homeland security a headache & a half.
Hopefully Mark Wahlberg gets the lead role in it. :rolleyes

This looks good, a reboot done right is always a good draw.