Predator under the armor


New Member
I found that Predators are quite unique in there lower area as in this screenshot you can see scar with all his bulk and his area which seems to have 3 not 2 but 3 testicles
As you can see Brothers this is what we look like under the armour but is it weird i think it looks more normal than the ones humans have real life?
No its just the way they are born instead of two they have 3 making the caching part seem weird but i read it can come out further in an erection so it just basically looks like that but in erect its more normal like humans
Um, well, how about some real info . . . This is a sculpt done by Don Lanning who was an artist working on AVP. An early draft of the film had the hunters emerging from a type of cryo stasis before appearing on the surface. However accurate the sculpt I doubt they'd planned to show the jiggly bits. lol
Its in AVP but this is the closest we have to there Jiggly bits as someone called them so i believeyhis until someone proves it wrong
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