Hi All,
Can anyone recommend a power supply or a particular setup the may have used to light up their Salzo X-Wing. I need enough juice to light up 7 leds. 4 ultra bright red (5v each) for the engines, and 3 more for the cockpit fibre optics (3v each for a total of 29v). I cut out underneath the droid strip so I could squeeze something in there. I was then going to hid it by using magnets to secure the strip to the model. I will admit that I don't know much about lighting but I have everything laid out wire wise and just need soething to tie it all together and turn it on. I tried searching here but couldn't find much description wise for specific power sources/supplies.
Can anyone recommend a power supply or a particular setup the may have used to light up their Salzo X-Wing. I need enough juice to light up 7 leds. 4 ultra bright red (5v each) for the engines, and 3 more for the cockpit fibre optics (3v each for a total of 29v). I cut out underneath the droid strip so I could squeeze something in there. I was then going to hid it by using magnets to secure the strip to the model. I will admit that I don't know much about lighting but I have everything laid out wire wise and just need soething to tie it all together and turn it on. I tried searching here but couldn't find much description wise for specific power sources/supplies.