PotC - Scarlett


New Member
Hi there!

After some months of research and buying fabrics I finished my Scarlett-Costume from Pirates of the Caribbean II & III today.
Unfortunately I could not find any striped fabric that looked almost screen-accurate but I am happy with the one I got.

The red skirt has already been shortened and I will post some pics with the "used-look" dress and my wig as soon as possible.

These are just some pics to show the dress with all the tailoring done...





- the corsage is a bit to low... maybe I can correct that by lacing it a bit higher next time. Otherwise I need to change the neckline... :unsure

And the original:


Regards from Germany...
I am always amazed at the makers of these costumes: Scarlett and Giselle! Most excellent work!

..........and NO you do not look fat in that dress, savvy?:lol
Beautiful! And you wear it well. I was going to comment on the newly produced look, but then read your comment. Great work!
That's impressive! I love to see when people do ancillary characyers!!!! Very nice!

Thanks for your compliments!
We made some new pics today... however you can hardly see the used-look on the pics although it is quite dirty!
I still need white make-up for the face. My mother told me to use flour but that feels strange on the face and looks like being in the kitchen and baking some cookies for christmas... :confused

The wig's colour is red in sunlight... but the flash of my camera doesn't show that.
I will add some outside-pictures as soon as the weather will become better in Germany (it is snowing at the moment).

.........and NO you do not look fat in that dress, savvy?:lol
Of course I look fat with that skirt! Liar... :)





The "real" Scarlett wears no necklace... but mine is a medaillon with a picture of my personal Jack. I think it fits perfectly to the costume...
The pic is a little blurred.. sorry:


Looks like you need to take in your corset a bit. Actually quite a bit. The finished measurements should be something like 2 inches smaller than your own in the chest and at least that in the waist. That is what creates the slimmer waist and pushed up bosom. Just a little advice from someone who has made period costumes for stage for years. Hope you don't take offense. Looks great otherwise.

For your white makeup, I suggest looking up some Ben Nye. Their product is very gentle on the skin.
Aye! I agree with the above. Cinch up that corset a wee bit more so you get more cleavage! :loveScarlett would not be caught dead without the ability to hide rum in said corset! Have Happy Jack help cinch it up, savvy?

Excellent job on the distressing damsel look!

And NO I don't lie.............I just bend the rules a bit!

Looks like you need to take in your corset a bit.
I agree... but I won't change the corset - the problem is the neckline of the dress which is to high.
I can't change the corset because it is already a bit to small and I can hardly breath wearing it ;-) (I know... women in London must have learned not to breath - but Scarlett isn't from London, right? *g*)... and it is made with some... improvisation by using cardboard to make it hard... I can't explain it any further - it is just not possible without destroying the whole corset :redface. But thanks for your advise! Maybe I will sew a new one in time - it is not screen-accurate anyway.
Btw, my bosom is not the biggest one :rolleyes so I wear a push-up. Otherwise you won't see anything at all :angel.

I am happy the way it looks: I have never done any tailoring with a paper pattern or sewing machine before (just some tiny improvisations by hand)... so I stick to the given sizes on the paper pattern and did not dare to vary the sizes.

So, have you slapped anyone in the face yet? :lol
No... not wearing the costume... but there is a picture where I slapped my boyfriend wearing his Jack costume although I didn't even know him then :love

We made some pics yesterday at a beach-club in my hometown and the surounding area.


You will find more pictures here:


I will use less white powder next time and I am definitively going to buy a corsage to wear it underneath the dress!
After three years I decided to go with a decent corset and some basic changes in the whole dress.
Pics are not the best, after spending three hours in town I just wanted to get out of that dress :wacko

Corset is a bit loose in the pics... I had a hard time breathing anyway. No costume for hot weather... - unfortunately that way my two ladies hide inside the dress although I wear a double push-up AND silicone cups. I guess they're shy or something... :angry


