POTC Jack Sparrow compass and flintlock conversion


Sr Member
Been A WHILE. Since I posted a build up, felt good to get back into it.
Here are the POTC Jack Sparrow compass and flintlock toy conversions.

With the compass I sanded the plastic hinge and latch off.
I dremeled the body down to fit the new brass hinge. Then putty over the top and sand.
I accidentally ground off the plastic receiver for the latch. The metal latch reciever was hollow, so I filled it with putty then ground the metal away until it was just the metal "nub" post...then glued it on.

I also added the metal ring pull, and dremeled the plastic ball in the center of the dial away...replaced it with a wooden bead, that was grooved and sanded on flat on the bottom to allow the compass dial to spin freely.

With the flinlock I filled the screw holes and, sanded the seam lines, also dremeled the "perry london" name and logo.

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