Sr Member
Been working on this for a long time. Kept setting it aside and coming back to it. Finally got the masters done, poured the molds and created a piece to do the damgae to, hinge up, and make the brass bits for. Here's a little teaser of the brass bits before weathering them.
The numbered dial I got from board member MutantEnemy as I sourced out getting this done, but none of the local engravers felt they could get the job done right. The center, lower ring is a bronze bushing as I couldn't find a brass washer the right size. The color is not too far off, but I think after weathering it won't be noticebale at all. The struts are cut from K&S 155 sqaure brass tube. Its hard to tell from some pics if the original struts had the taper or not, but I cut them that way because I thought it looked nice. The center "fin" is hand cut and filed from K&S flat brass bar.
The main body is in primer right now and I have the clasp, clasp post, hanging ring, and dial already done. And will post pics of them later.
Let me know what you think so far! :thumbsup or :thumbsdown
The numbered dial I got from board member MutantEnemy as I sourced out getting this done, but none of the local engravers felt they could get the job done right. The center, lower ring is a bronze bushing as I couldn't find a brass washer the right size. The color is not too far off, but I think after weathering it won't be noticebale at all. The struts are cut from K&S 155 sqaure brass tube. Its hard to tell from some pics if the original struts had the taper or not, but I cut them that way because I thought it looked nice. The center "fin" is hand cut and filed from K&S flat brass bar.
The main body is in primer right now and I have the clasp, clasp post, hanging ring, and dial already done. And will post pics of them later.
Let me know what you think so far! :thumbsup or :thumbsdown
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