Possible Matrix Costume


Well-Known Member
Hey RPFer's, I've been out of luck so far with my Ironman Suit due to the fact that I can't print because I have no ink for it (tax returns from like 07 are being printed. Dad messed up) so I considered doing another costume in the mean time. Specifically a Neo costume from The Matrix Reloaded. Here's a picture of what it looks like with Neo wearing it (DVD Cover :lol:lol:lol)

Here's another picture of the costume itself

So in any case, I was wondering if I should do it because unlike my other WIP Ironman Suit, I actually have to look the part somewhat. And so leading to the point of this thread, I was wanting to ask if I look the part enough to do the costume and be recognizable. I was only wearing the glasses in this pic because they're the closest thing I have to what he wears (BTW I know his are COMPLETELY different in style, but it's, "close enough for government work" as my dad always says.:lol)

Anyway, here's the shot, and sorry for bad quality, cellphone camera.:rolleyes

Let me know if I look the part enough to give the costume a try, and if anyone can find some reference shots, or knows what kind of shoes he's wearing (you can sort of see them in the DVD Cover shot) because I have no idea.

Thanks all,
Yeaaaa, I'd say you could pull it off pretty well.

Look for patterns and I'll help you sew it, I know you can find them somewhere, Dallan had the coat and wore it for a few weeks, he said his grandmother found the patterns online.
What are your measurements?? I have the best replica coat ever made for sale.

This coat was custom made for me by the awesome people over a baron boutique. It's made from monks wool. I paid over $500.00 for this beast. It is by far the most accurate reproduction of this coat I've ever seen. It is a fitted coat so I know this will be a tough sell. I don't even remember the measurements so I'll give you my measurements of the coat to give you an idea as to if it will fit you. I'm trying to get around 280.00 obo for it. I'll post more pics soon.

Chest is 38"
Waist is 33"
Sleeves 24"
Back 17.5"
Overall length from neck seam to bottom is 53"





Nah, it won't fit. All I had to do was compare the height of the neck seam to the floor to know it's way to big. I'm only 5' 6". I suspect you're much taller since it was about 6 inches off my head. I don't think I could fit in it unless I was wearing stilts.:lol:lol:lol
I believe that's actually 13 inches shorter than you. And hemming up the bottom of a coat with a flat bottom like that is an easy job for a tailor if it's still too long.
I believe that's actually 13 inches shorter than you. And hemming up the bottom of a coat with a flat bottom like that is an easy job for a tailor if it's still too long.
Wow, just realized I totally mismeasured. It would fit me better than I realize.
I think that it might need to be fixed a bit though, I have a 34" chest while that says 38". Waist is a couple inches bigger than mine too. I think it would fit, but I would need to have it fixed to fit me in the chest and waist. Other than that I think it might work.
Nah, it won't fit. All I had to do was compare the height of the neck seam to the floor to know it's way to big. I'm only 5' 6". I suspect you're much taller since it was about 6 inches off my head. I don't think I could fit in it unless I was wearing stilts.:lol:lol:lol

I'm actually 5' 6"

This will fit you perfectly.
Whoa!!! you paid what?!?!?
Back when we had a Halloween store, they sold one's of that quality for like $350 with some nice glasses.
But that was quite a few years ago, X3
Oh, but the material was a little different, it kinda felt starchy, like peasant clothes for Renaissance fairs.
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JoMamma, your jacket looks awesome and looks really high quality.
Shade, you look the part. If you want to have a swing at making your own, Butterwick makes a Cassock pattern which could be modified:
B6844 | Men's Robe | Religious | Butterick Patterns

I made this pattern ages ago for a different costume, when I had far fewer sewing skills than I have now, and I don't think it was terribly difficult.
Whoa!!! you paid what?!?!?
Back when we had a Halloween store, they sold one's of that quality for like $350 with some nice glasses.
But that was quite a few years ago, X3
Oh, but the material was a little different, it kinda felt starchy, like peasant clothes for Renaissance fairs.

Probably because his was custom made and made with the accurate fabric(s).
i say go for it - never know till you try right? any way you could get away with using a library printer for your iron man WIP and using a glue stick on some cardboard like im doing (just a thought) advantage is you wont have to use alot of resin lol

also if you need cardboard there are plenty of places that will give it to you if you just walk up to a counter and ask - i came away with 12 boxes today that could fit 2 pep pages on each panel. and you never have to use the really thin parts so you save on the mess and the work.

sorry if it seems i have taken your topic off the tracks lol
i say go for it - never know till you try right? any way you could get away with using a library printer for your iron man WIP and using a glue stick on some cardboard like im doing (just a thought) advantage is you wont have to use alot of resin lol

also if you need cardboard there are plenty of places that will give it to you if you just walk up to a counter and ask - i came away with 12 boxes today that could fit 2 pep pages on each panel. and you never have to use the really thin parts so you save on the mess and the work.

sorry if it seems i have taken your topic off the tracks lol
Yeah, I'm gonna try and find a cheaper one that is similar in quality, but if I can't I'll buy it or possibly try to make it myself since it would be great practice because I'm making a set of Assassin's Creed robes.

As for the Ironman costume, I use cardstock to make the peps (unfortunately, they require about ten ****loads of resin to harden. LOL Exageration:lol:lol:lol) and I think the library charges per page. Even though it's not that expensive, I need to get a job so I can get these costumes rolling. I'll probably end up putting the Ezio costume on hold until I can work a sewing machine proficiently and can get patterns for it. So until then I'l work on Ironman and Neo's costume. Now I really think about it I might just sew the costume myself. It'll be great practice and it's simplicity will help me to get started.

SO: ASSUMING I can get a job, Here are some estimated times on costume completion in order:

Neo: 2 Months tops (if I decide to make it myself or buy it from Smurf, it'll take the same amount of time)

Ironman: Sometime early next year. (I plan on taking my time on that one for accuracy)

Ezio's New Assassin's Robes: Uhh.... Anyone have a calendar for 2012 yet?:lol
Ezio's new robes: Maybe you wanna try 2013, a year after we are supposedly dead and in the afterlife where we get whatever we want, am I right? X3

Oh, and about the Iron Man, If we do what I was talking about, it may take a little less then a year, we just have to get to Kenny's.
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Like I said in my PM

There are cheap, inaccurate coats that look ok but you can just tell the difference..The way it drapes.. the fabric, and then there are pretty good coats that are kinda accurate that look a little better.... Then there are coats like mine. Even an Abbyshot coat looks like crap compared to mine... The pattern is 100% accurate to the movie...If any coat even came close to the one made for me by baron boutique then I would have bought it. But nothing looks even close. If you do buy this coat you'll be getting it for almost half of what I paid for it. Go here and check out their page Baron Boutique: Movie replica

Either way...Good luck and let me know if you change your mind :)