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Anyone Know Any Good Web Pages Showing A Step By Step Build Up Of The Ncc1701-a Enterprise Build Up?
Raytheon has a great build-up tutorial. He also can provide a lot of advise to you if you run into problems. Many builders can be found over at www.resinilluminati.com
Looks impressive but I don't see $300. worth!:eek
Just my opinion!
hi thanks i was hoping for some shots of how people fix there kits to the support rod. also a good painting color guide i am slowly working myself upto building this baby i ordered a great electronics kit for it cost a small fortune but hopefully worth it from these guys.
This model is just so damn intimidating...
***** truer words were NEVER spoken!!!! This model is one of those you have to start and grind on it til it is done. Now that I said that, I should use my own advice.
***** truer words were NEVER spoken!!!! This model is one of those you have to start and grind on it til it is done. Now that I said that, I should use my own advice.
This model is just so damn intimidating...
Its the lighting, and the Aztec. Both are fairly high on the difficulty scale (for non-pros, anyway). And both define the model. Without the lighting or the Aztec pattern, the model looses MAJOR "essence".
I know I'm preaching to the choir. But any dweeb can slap it together and spray it white. But to do it justice, it has to have a very complex lighting system, and one of the most deceivingly difficult paint jobs in the hobby.
Or maybe I'm just a wus!
Then you and me both! I've been building models for 30 years and that aztec pattern makes me nervous.
And if you consider the MR E at $1K a pop (and no way to get to the electronics or get them fixed) then $300 isn't so bad.
So you started building when you were two as well!?
That's a great point, Mike. Not only is the MR a cool grand, but so would a commisioned build up. Makes the $300 quite a bit more palatable!