Polar Express Trivia


Master Member
Here's one of those "Is this really worth the bandwidth?" threads (especially if this is old news)...

But in watching the PE with the kids again, I of course clearly recognized Hanks in the visual rendition of the Conductor.

But - in my eye - I began to see the character as a hybrid of Hanks and Zemeckis. The lower half of the face of the character seems very much to me to represent the director (minus, perhaps, the dimple in RZ's chin).

Was this intentional?

Is this old news?

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Re: Polar Express

More useless PE trivia...

Here is the building that Santa's main castle was modeled after. It is the Pullman Railraoad Car Factory building in Pullman Illinois.

Google Maps

Re: Polar Express

I think you're reading too much into it. It looks like Tom Hanks chin to me...



I may be...

Have you "broken the ice" with your little ones with this one, Brad? Yours may be a bit too young for it quite yet, especially Harrison. But the film has its merits...
I may be...

Have you "broken the ice" with your little ones with this one, Brad? Yours may be a bit too young for it quite yet, especially Harrison. But the film has its merits...

Not yet, I think I am going to start them with the "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer" and "The land of Outcast Toys" stop motion shows.
Good movie but man I get the chills looking at those pictures... last year my daughter would throw a fit if it wasnt on 24/7. Any movie gets old after that many viewings - well, almost any...