Planet of the Apes in Star Wars?


Sr Member
A friend on my home Garrison forum posted this. I thought it was interesting. Has this been noticed before?


Well, not really but when I posted a pic in another thread, I thought of a pic of an seated alien in the Holiday Special and look what I noticed:

Looks like he's wearing this:

I think Djas Puhr is too in ANH:

Maybe I should do costumes of these guys since I have 70% of the costume already:

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I don't know about Djas Puhr, as I don't think costumes were brought over from the States during ANH preproduction. They were all made/rented in the UK, and Apes leftovers would have probably still been around LA.

Then again, Fox sold off a lot of their props and costumes in the early 70s, so it isn't outside the realm of possibility that some Apes stuff was bought by UK clothiers.

But the HS was made in LA, so it's a lot more likely in that example! Sure looks it.
Yes, the Holiday Special was filmed in Los Angeles, but so were Cantina inserts in early 1977. That mask was one of Rick Baker's loaned to the production, so it is very possible that the Apes costume was rented locally...

That's an interesting find!

--Don Bies

I don't know about Djas Puhr, as I don't think costumes were brought over from the States during ANH preproduction. They were all made/rented in the UK, and Apes leftovers would have probably still been around LA.

Then again, Fox sold off a lot of their props and costumes in the early 70s, so it isn't outside the realm of possibility that some Apes stuff was bought by UK clothiers.

But the HS was made in LA, so it's a lot more likely in that example! Sure looks it.
My post ends at the "-----". The Ape costume belongs to my friend, so I don't know anything about it.

Cool, new finds just keeps popping up! That's definitely from POTA.

Kronet, if your looking for an ape suit, go to Really nice stuff, but not cheap!

Yes, the Holiday Special was filmed in Los Angeles, but so were Cantina inserts in early 1977. That mask was one of Rick Baker's loaned to the production, so it is very possible that the Apes costume was rented locally...

Ah, yes, of course! There's your answer. :)
Check out the old Richard Pryor show's cantina skit on youtube too- you can see at least a couple orang costumes in there too. :)

@Obibendogy and bagpus3 - thanks for the links. I've heard about both but have never been to either. Guess it's time I mosey on over... :)