Phoenix Con. 2009

I have to say your wife or girlfriend is pretty damn hot in that outfit. Your costume is really well done! Did you ever speak or just use hand gestures to "talk". I saw a Snake Eyes at the SDCC this year and he was mute the whole time. It kinda makes the costume.


i'm quite happy how she looks to . dude your wife is hot (((my all time favorite action figure is snakeyes )))

You guys are killing me. Were is Gigitron to see this ?

And come to think of it, where are my nails and cross ?

Snake Eyes looks great. Usually at Cons I wrap my badge around mt belt so it's visible to Con staff but it looks better for pictures not to have it covering the costume up.
Great pics and glad you boy had a great time. That E-Surance agent is just too cool. I've been waiting for someone to do her....................................(that's not what I meant.:$)
Great pics and glad you boy had a great time. That E-Surance agent is just too cool. I've been waiting for someone to do her....................................(that's not what I meant.:$)

:) you've been waiting for someone to cosplay the character/ portray the character...

"keeps it un suggestive"

There are a few Variations of Snake Eye's in My world... You will see them all posted right here... So hope you like that Fem Version of Snake Eye's because the next two Fem Versions will here soon... Also have @ least three more versions of Snake Eye's costumes that I will be presenting.

To be continued...
What is wrong woth complimenting his wife's hottness?


Apparently it's okay for everyone on the entire RPF to do it, but when I do it suddenly some people say I have no respect for women and I treat them like objects because I say exactly the kinds of things posted in this Thread-- although a look at my entire post history shows no examples.

The Snake Eyes costumes looks awesome and the Lady Snake Eyes costume is well done too. Yes, she has a great figure and I'm sure a pretty face under that visor. There. Are you guys happy? I commented on a RPF'ers wife and/or girlfriend.

Somebody call the brute squad.
Apparently it's okay for everyone on the entire RPF to do it, but when I do it suddenly some people say I have no respect for women and I treat them like objects because I say exactly the kinds of things posted in this Thread-- although a look at my entire post history shows no examples.

The Snake Eyes costumes looks awesome and the Lady Snake Eyes costume is well done too. Yes, she has a great figure and I'm sure a pretty face under that visor. There. Are you guys happy? I commented on a RPF'ers wife and/or girlfriend.

Somebody call the brute squad.

Well that sucks for you. I never knew that. I think sometimes people can overreact to a simple compliment. Oh well...

Apparently it's okay for everyone on the entire RPF to do it, but when I do it suddenly some people say I have no respect for women and I treat them like objects because I say exactly the kinds of things posted in this Thread-- although a look at my entire post history shows no examples.

The Snake Eyes costumes looks awesome and the Lady Snake Eyes costume is well done too. Yes, she has a great figure and I'm sure a pretty face under that visor. There. Are you guys happy? I commented on a RPF'ers wife and/or girlfriend.

Somebody call the brute squad.

I'm on the Brute Squad....:lol

I don't mind the compliments as long as there respectful and not coarse, I posted pics of My girl friend because I think she looked great in that suit and wanted to show her off and share how proud I am of her that she looks that good in that suit, so she and I thank you for the compliments we worked hard running trails on the mountain to get that body.
I love seeing kids having a good time at cons - I can only imagine what a rush it would be to go to a modern day con at such a young age. I went to some when I was little but I knew back the the costumes were usually pretty poor. I liked them but nowdays you can't tell the difference in some from the real thing you see on TV and the big screen.
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