Peter Flarkin' Quill ( Star Lord)

There is actually some sort of patch or design on the left bicep of that jacket, there just hasn't been a clear shot of it yet

doh, I meant to type that the greeblie was on the left shoulder. The one with the star patch is only worn in the later half of the movie as a whole different costume.
Just picked this up on eBay :D It's not the original Walkman but it's a third generation and pretty visually close!

Damn! That was a good movie!! I saw the midnight showing last night in 3D and loved it. It doesn't take itself overly seriously, and has infinite amounts of eye candy in it.
Just saw the movie last night. FREAKING LOVED IT!! Now I really want to do a Starlord blaster build, but I'd really like to have the holsters to go with 'em. Has anyone figured out how they worked?
Just saw the movie last night. FREAKING LOVED IT!! Now I really want to do a Starlord blaster build, but I'd really like to have the holsters to go with 'em. Has anyone figured out how they worked?

The guns are attached to his hips with a fairly simple clip, seen clearly in this photo. Kevin Gossett was the first to discover this mechanism.
Hello this is my first time posting here on the site. I saw the movie over the weekend and loved. I'd like to getting into putting mine together for hollowed (my birthday yeah) so I saw the jacket at fjackest and like to order it. Now I saw that takes 10 -12 days and did I read that right from pakastan? I'm searching for the pants and found couple that are close but will need to be tailored witch I can sew thanks to my mom lol. Now the size on the jacket most all my jacket at large and my chest is 42 inch but I am working out heavy and not sure if that will get bigger or stay the same any more info would be great.
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For the premiere I plan on everything but the Helmet, with Halloween and Cons being the time to break it out. I don't want to be in a crowded theater with this helmet on my lap, constantly worried that it will drop or get scratched.

On that note though, another piece of the puzzle has arrived. The Haynes shirt as everyone else has got. I decided on the "Denim Blue" colour, because in my eyes it looked the closest in references. In person I'm a bit less thrilled with it, but it will work for me. Maybe if I distress it some I'll be happier.

sorry i must be blind if i have missed it, could someone give me the link to buy this shirt or the full name of it? had trouble looking for haynes shirt ;/


I'm ok with the fit, but could have gone a size smaller (from L->M). I may give the shirt a hot wash and a dry cycle and see if it shrinks any.

sorry i must be blind but i couldnt seem to find this shirt - could someone please give me the link where to buy it or the full name, thanks!
Wow these are all great links. I will be starting my ordering by Friday or sooner. I re measured my chest it's more like 40 in tight. So I'm thinking the 40-42 in the size chart. Also looked at some of the photos and looks like the patch is partly integrated into the jacket at the top and back the patch tied to the arm buckle.
Has anyone got any ideas what I can do for the long trench coat he wears in the film's opening? I much prefer the "swoosh", Mal Reynolds-esque quality to that coat over the jacket.
Awesome costume. I think you can get the Sony WM4 walkman in blue. Doesn't have the orange button on top though. But pretty good. And a lot easier/cheaper to come by. I've got the Peter Quill original Sony Walkman. Not gonna use it with an outfit though. I'm impressed with the helmet/mask you've made. I think a combo of clay sculpting and plastic moulding seems best.
Hey Guys, I had some time to kill today so i went on the hunt for Star-lord pieces. I went to Academy looking for workboots and the weird pocketed pants he wears. I was browsing the shoes and workboots while comparing images of the prop boots on my iphone, and I stumbled on something.

I drew it out so it's clear. First the props:

View attachment 335244

Then the shoes I found...which incidentally are just some casual Skechers:

View attachment 335245

So I started searching the catalog on Skechers and found these:

Check out the view of the bottom of the shoe too...same 'pebbly' texture.

I'm not 100% sure that THESE are the exact shoes because the detailing on the top of the shoe is hard to make out in the prop photos. But I'm 100% certain that the prop shoes ARE Skechers of some kind, covered up by the shin guards. They might be a discontinued style from a year or two ago. But I think you could make a case for these Skecher Diameter Garzos are pretty close. I noticed that a number of other Skechers styles have the same sole design, so take your pick.

We have a Skechers Outlet store nearby, so I'm going to go check out what they have in stock tomorrow. Failing that, i'll buy online.

Just wanted to share this info for all you accuracy buffs!

Your right the boots are based off the Sketcher shoe with some extra leather work. Here is the ones i picked up but in black.
Sweet, GoG. I was sure the shoes were brown, but all I had were the shots from the prop display and the lighting made them look brown. Now we know they're actually black of course.

I'm interested to see if someone actually makes the boots that the spats hook to. Good luck!
IronManiac, I got all the parts except the black leather in back, which i will go pick up friday. I have all the spat hooks, the rivets and the rectangle rings on the spats. I have some leather work ahead for myself, but i want to make these as close as possible since im not doing a mask. Check out my thread it shows all the leather i got and parts.
From the photos i see looks like they used the sole of the shoe and built from there up.
I just want to say, thanks for the photos of you wearing the jacket on page 6. That's the fjackets version, right? I was just eyeing up their site trying to figure out if I wanted to buy it from them, and the stock image they have on their site shows that the chevron design on the front chest that goes across the zipper didn't line up.


I know if I'd ordered it and noticed that, it would have driven me absolutely mental. Seeing what you've got reassures me, though.
Geeze it's been forever since I've posted here. I've been so busy with vacationing and other projects that it's been tough to get any work done.

I managed to start work on the blaster and sand it down, but before assembly I started thinking about adding lasers to it like some have done with the Dead space mining tool. So again I wait I guess. lol I have two blue lasers on the way from China now and then I'll gut them and see if there is a way to mount them up in the blaster.

Still looking for the pants. I see them appear on ebay every now and again, and I bid on them, but I have a price cap and have lost the bids on them a couple times over. I figure once the rush for the pants here is done, I'll snap up a set.

Helmet still needs a lot of work. I cut the back off it and now I'm partly regretting it. I'll be building out the back portion to make it look more seamless, but will need to get some more powerfull magnets to hold the halves together.
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