Pay it forward

Brevin Din-Shay

Sr Member
I have always loved this concept. I am in the process of doing it again.

Who is next to step up to the plate?

Give someone something worth something.
I'm building a members Randy Cooper Star Destroyer for him, just cause I thought it would be fun (and it is). Absolutely no labor charge at all.
A fellow member asked about one of Blads Firefly badges. I had one and sent it to him no charges at all, dunno if that counts really?
I've done it here a bunch of times. On other forums too.

One member needed a single sling swivel. I just mailed him one. Another needed some model pilots for a Robotech Valkrye and didn't want to buy the whole kit. I mailed him mine since I had the kit and wasn't using the pilots.
I'm finishing up a BSG FN Blaster for a buddy of mine at no charge. Gives me a chance to tighten up my skills and gives me something to do. I've already finished and delivered a Farscape Pulse Pistol to the same guy.
i'm not sure that the "old" pay it forward (as we used to know it) exists anymore David...
I've sold PKE meter wings and with all the money bought food for pets waiting to be adopted at my local animal shelter.

I had a bunch of HALO weapons posters that are selling for $10 to $15 on ebay that I gave away in the junkyard if people were willing to pay shipping.

I did a run of 10 Forbidden Planet hat badges that I have been giving away to friends who truely enjoy classic Sci-Fi. I forgot:eek, Sporak likes FP. I gotta drop him a PM.

I mailed someone at poptopia a proton gun ladder part. Met him at a show here in town and saw his proton gun could use an upgrade.

Dreamer7 was looking for the movie Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet with John the Robot(Basil Rathbone starred as well). I sent him the DVD.

Someone was looking for Vodka bottle( I think it was vodka) used in Enterprise. I was glad to empty it and when I sobered up I mailed it...hopefully to the correct address.

Birdie needed help since someone here in the U.S. was holding merchandise he paid for. I offered some encouragement to the party holding his order.

Otherwise I'm a *******.
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I help out other members from abroad in having items that wont ship overseas sent to me to send to them...

pilot hooked me up with 2 farscape commbadges..all I did was ask about them and he sent them..
pilot hooked me up with 2 farscape commbadges..all I did was ask about them and he sent them..

As long as we are talking good deeds by others, a few years back mkstewartesq answered some questions for me. I could see by how much detail(details are my life as anyone who knows me can tell you:lol) he put into the reply that he gave it a lot of consideration. He never asked for anything in return.
I love this thread. I have been trying this lately.

Evidenced here:

And here:

I hope that people have more suggestions for Paying It Forward. I think it would be great if we could get several runs of Prop Replicas, and give them to the Make-A-Wish kids.

Something like a run of Iron Man Masks, or whatever would appeal to young sick children.

I can deliver them to St. Judes, Children's Hospital.... take photos with the kids receiving all their gifts!

We could all chip in items for an auction, give all the proceeds to a charity....

I have 90 different ideas, but I love the Iron Man Masks run for sick children best.

Any ideas on how we can ALL chip in??
Always lots of help on the boards, and more then a few Free things along the way, and extras thrown into packages. I have tried to return in kind and offer up items just for shipping cost when I can:thumbsup
The people that do things like that, even if it is just the free advice are the ones that make this board worth all the time, a nice balance to the Dark Side of things that can happen here:rolleyes
I usually gather up all of the prop kits and odds and ends that I've gotten over the last year (that for some reason or another I'll never get to) and put up a list to give it all away around Christmas. I've probaly got about 7 items so far but I'm sure I'll have more. My little way of giving back to the community. I think I've done this about 4 times so far.
i'm not sure that the "old" pay it forward (as we used to know it) exists anymore David...

I dunno about that, Matt....sure see lots of good stuff here in this thread, and look at how passionate BladeFanChuckster is! ;)

Wow, how nice to read through this thread. :)
I also think people are reading this and may be scared to post about doing something nice.

If you are willing to participate in something, we can get MOD approval and go from there.

Come on, can we think of something we can do as a FORUM, as a TEAM, and do something great?

Maybe something for sick children or something?

I promise, if we do this, I won't make fun of Attack of the Clones for a whole mon..... a whole week!
All the members here have helped me one way or another, the info given here is worth more than I could ever afford!
Bonnie still says "that pee-wee guy is the coolest" :lol

Tripoli, Your great kindness was also not forgotten. :cool:thumbsup

Several other members also helped out, during a time when cash was very short for us. :ninja:thumbsup

Things are Much Better now, but, I will never forget :cry:thumbsup

I would like to do something for you guys this year..