Painting Latex Rubber question


Well-Known Member

I have a few costumes, A Bossk, A weequay and a Gammorean Guard. All of the latex rubber parts that I bought for these costumes were already painted. I would like to repaint or enhance the old paint job on these latex parts.

What type of paints should I be using to paint latex rubber?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Dave
Latex paint base tinted with craft/art store acrylic paints. Single action/external mix airbrush would need to be used or you will be in clogging hell. It can also be sponged on, but the results would be more rough and organic. Latex Paint Base - Mask Paints and Colorants - CASTING AND PAINTING - The Monster Makers

You can also use a rub out method in conjunction for adding depth, detail and contrast to the crevasses and low spots. It's rubber cement mixed with oil paints and thinned out with mineral spirits. Applied with a sponge, then wiped off with a rag soaked with mineral spirits, which removes the color from the high spots and leaving the color in the low spots. This is usually done on top of a base color, then a layer of the base color is applied over the rub out to blend it (depending on the desired effect a light to heavy coat). I believe Monster Makers has a tutorial for the rub out.

I personally wont use PAX paints unless it's a makeup appliance or something that's not meant to have longevity, eventually it will start to get cracks in the finish.

I use Createx matte coat to seal latex masks etc to avoid cracking as it's flexible. Just don't apply it to heavily, one solid coat should do.
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Thank you for the feedback. I just moved into a new house in November and right now I don't have shop area. I had one at my old house. I have been in contact with builders to redo my garage. Hopefully by the end of the summer, I will have a new garage built with a shop area in it. I have never airbrushed before, but have wanted to learn. It sounds like once I get my shop built I need to buy an airbrush system and give it a try. I will save these links and info that you gave me. When I am ready I will post again on what is the best or right airbrush system, that I should by starting out.

Thank you again, Dave