Page errors within threads and no fastreply


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, hope this fault makes sense.

Everytime I am viewing a thread, the error thing in Internet Explorer 7 pops up in the bottom left with a couple of errors about "vB_Text_Editor" is undefined and Invalid Objects. Not sure if this is an issue, but it seems to prevent me from using the Fastreply function and when I use the Reply function instead, I can't use any functions such as inserting images or bold or anything like that. All I can do is type.

Now, funny thing is that it worked the first couple of times I posted and I was using IE6, then it stopped working, I updated to IE7 and it still doesn't work. Any ideas what might be playing up please?
Hi Chiok,

When did this start happening? I'm asking because last night (AK Local Time) I noticed all the reply, quote, etc buttons were replaced with text links and wouldn't work unless I clicked multiple times on the same link. I'm wondering if there might be a problem at the server end of things.

(I'm using Linux Ubuntu and Firefox 3.0.5)

By the way I see you're in Kent. What part? I was born in Maidstone.
I guessed it started about a week or less ago, I've not been registered that long. Maybe it's a server option, though I would have thought others might have piped up with the issue too. I'll see how it goes, at the moment I'm fine without all the fancy formatting and smilies.

Maidstone, eh? My parents live in Rochester where I'm staying at the moment. You seem pretty far away from Kent now!
Maidstone, eh? My parents live in Rochester where I'm staying at the moment. You seem pretty far away from Kent now!

You got that one right!

If the problem keeps up I'd gather as much tech info from that pop-up and PM one of the mods to see if they can help.

Just a thought, have you tried a different browser? if yes is the problem the same?

Well, just tried it in Firefox and all seems to work fine. Which is odd. Used to work in IE6, then it didn't, then didn't work in IE7. Maybe I need an update or something crazy like that. Grrr to technological advancement, things were working fine before.

Thanks for your input though!
let me know if this pops up again. I've been rebuilding the database today so hopefully these problems are fixed.
let me know if this pops up again. I've been rebuilding the database today so hopefully these problems are fixed.

Alright cool, let me check: Nope, still not full functionality in IE7. Everything is fine in Firefox, I'm just bemused as to why it used to work, and now doesn't anymore.

I'm sure plenty of others are having no issues and running Internet Explorer, just a bit confused as to why my computer is doing it. No matter, I guess this will just have to be another thing I use Firefox for.