Original Sith- WIP

Stinky Dragon

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this will be my first real post I suppose, and I thought I'd show off what I've got so far on my Sith costume for DragonCon.

It's basically a tunic I made myself, some pajama pants (lol), black work boots, and a set of berserker greaves and bracers from Medieval collectibles. I still need to come up with an undertunic, make a belt, and possibly make some tabbards, but I figured it was close enough to completion to get some feedback. (I'll post some clearer pictures later, along with some pictures of the lightsaber)

I still have to come up with a name, and while a serious sounding name has eluded me, some friends came up with some very amusing titles. I'm trying to decide between Darth Garth and Darth Antagonist XD.

Without further ado. Comments and suggestions would be great!

nice pics and project, how about combining the two names like...um...Darth Gartagonist, lol...i don't know play around with it!!!!!
Darth Arcturus

Darth Antrozous

Darth Tadarida

Darth Molossus

Darth Antirius

Darth Myotis

Darth Artibeus

Darth Selicus

I dunno, have some fun with those :)
I like the greaves and bracers, and you have a nice overall feel to your robes. You just need to break up the torso area and do something a little less wholesome with your noggin.

Don't forget your sith sash. It seems a running theme in the movies. Not always picked up on in the EU tho. It's the strip of fabric that runs around the back of the neck and down the front, tucked under the belt.

Darth Antagon. >.>

Makes me think Antigone. Maybe I've been in theatre too long?
Thanks for the name suggestions, and for the suggestions for the costume. I actually like the idea of the "Sith sash" a lot better than tabbards. About how long do you think it should be? Just long enough to go around the neck and tuck into the belt? Or should it go down to around my knees?
Darkesword has been listening to the Batman Begins soundtrack it looks like. I would say Nihilus, but Bioware turned that into a character before I could. I like Antagon.
Thanks for the name suggestions, and for the suggestions for the costume. I actually like the idea of the "Sith sash" a lot better than tabbards. About how long do you think it should be? Just long enough to go around the neck and tuck into the belt? Or should it go down to around my knees?

Vader and Maul's both go to their knees.
Vader and Maul's both go to their knees.
Actually, Vader's tabbards hang to just above his ankles, and Maul's tabbards hang to approximately the midpoint between his knees and the tops of his boots. Not that it matters... :p

BTW, I like Darth Antagon as well.
Re: Original Sith- Showoff

Alright... I'm finally ready to call this one finished (if anything like this can ever really be finished XD. It's ready for DragonCon at least). I'm beginning to think I should get a bit more of an orange filter for my saber so it'll stop coming out slightly green. Anywho... here's a nice bright shot for detail:


and some more sith-y stuff:

Re: Original Sith- Showoff

I think your look would benefit from something more on your head to break up the look of humanity: some simple makeup and/or a hood or balaclava. Maybe a hood could be attached to the tabard/sash.
Mayble also makeup to your hands, or wear gloves.
Agreed. You need makeup, a mask, an evil goatee, something. Crazy hair, a helmet... No offense, but you're too wholesome looking. The costume looks great, but I see your face and I just wanna pinch your little cheeks. :lol
Haha, yeah, that's something I need to work on. A hood might be doable before DragonCon, and possibly some face-paint, but other than that it'll have to wait. I was hoping to get some contacts, but I don't normally wear them, so I'll have to get measured and whatnot.