OK, so which one of you is going to make the Slusho! t-shirts?


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm all hyped up over the upcoming mystery movie by JJ Abrams that's coming out 1-18-08 (see the trailer here if you have no idea what I'm talking about). I'm sure I'm not the only one who caught the trailer before Transformers. Anyways, for a split second of the trailer you can see one of the guys wearing a Slusho T-shirt... Slusho was first mentioned on Lost so it's sort of like JJ Abram's version of Red Apples.

Anyways, part of the supposed viral marketing for this movie has gone up already - the Slusho website: http://www.slusho.jp/ And it's got a pretty decent image to go off of that matched the guy's shirt, good enough at least for something this early in the game. Stills from the trailer with the guy's shirt can be seen here: http://1-18-08.livejournal.com/3521.html

So, am I jumping the gun a bit on this, or has this caught anyone else's attention? :confused
Cool tee donsolo! I've started re-creating the artwork, and here it is on a white tee. With a little more work I'll have it done and ready for a dark blue tee with the "rays" behind the cup.

I'd love to do this shirt, would be cool to wear to the flick :love

Let me know whatcha think! :)

Here's a closer (yet not final) representation of the screen used tee. I've found the blank tee they used so with a little more work on the art itself this project would be ready to go.

COol! Here's a screenshot. It looks like it has some weathering on it too. Not a huge fan of the weathered t-shirt anymore, but either way, I'd be interested.
In HD:

Looking good so far... I'm glad you're doing the work on this. I never would :lol

Also, for the impatient do-it-yourselfers out there, this wallpaper just got added to the site and it would make a good iron on transfer - only thing is the lines don't match his very well. Modify at will.
I'm down for some Slusho shirts! At least 2. The collar looks to be a different color than the shirt.
Awesome wallpaper pic donsolo! I'll re-work the art again and post a pic soon.

Looks like there will be enough interest to do a small run of these tees, so if it's cool with you guys I'll get an interest thread going in the junkyard. :):thumbsup

If this is a Gamera film then I am so friggin stoked. I love those Films.
The Little boy crying "Gamera!" always reminded me of the little boy crying "Shane!"
I think that's just the lighting. The shirt looks to be navy blue.
I don't know, he may be on to something. It looks to me like a dark blue ringer shirt witha navy collar.
I used to have one just like it. Here's an example although the color isn't right.
A giant monster wrecking New York. Personally, I hope JJ releases it untitled. That would be rad and confusing.